Map Of Bogota DWG Block for AutoCAD

Shot of Bogota in DWG. With their addresses and neighborhoods

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Ave., career, Street, Ave., diagonal av. corps, Ave., Alaska, the almond trees, northern, neighborhood, nurseries, a.s.d., vacarela flowers, sagaro flowers, agricultural nursery, nurseries, a.s.d., intelligence, finca el carmen, nursery, i will grow the mercedes, seminar, meiner lisa school, saratoga nursery, medicine School, juan n. corps, school, newman school, workshop r.a. gallant, j.j.c.m., san flowers, villa claudia, pencil crayon, a.s.d., doing the merces, a.s.d., i will grow the mercedes, new country, golden eggs, Assumptionist Parent Seminar, I drink flowers, Street, Street, racetrack, international, nursery, factory, furniture, school, Maximilian, kolbe, neighborhood, career, school, Franciscan, virrey solis, club, school, sta. mariana, Street, career, church, court, bridge, pedestrian, urbanization, looking at her, new villa, northern weaves, urbanization, Street, diagonal, Street, Ave., Ave. Bis, Ave., urbanization, maranta, camps, maranta, drops, parking lot, center, commercial, north square, central, service station, that, departmental headquarters, champagnat school, neighborhood, santandersito, Aretama, avenue san antonio, diagonal, cross, diagonal, Foundation, i.c.b.f., school, willows, Bavarian, sta. cristina, from tuscany, san alberto, magno, school, stella, morning, acandi, fitness center, josefina castro, to brush, academy, colombian, tennis, Kinder garden, move along, center, of rehabilitation, group, bavaria urapanes, Lyceum, golden age, association, barranquilla, of charity, Institute, military, Aquileo parra, Spanish American, conde ansures, Lyceum, country, idapc, of rehabilitation, Institute, I miss you, urbanization, the ash trees, king’s villas, brooks, neighborhood, san jose de bavaria, cross, diagonal, fitness center, San Benito, school, the ways, home, of the child, liceo guillerd, ganne, jesus christ redeemer, set, closed, residential, rembrant, Good Life, the stay, the tebrol, union javeriana, the mountain, school, saint Louis, beltran, alejandria, bonaire ii, madrigal, condominium, diagonal, bonaire iii, Street, motorway, liberators, TV., career, Street, career, Street, diagonal, career, Street, career, Street, Ave., Street, Ave., career, Street, career, carousel, career, Street, career, Street, career, railroad track, career, Street, career, Street, Ave., new Horizon, good view, neighborhood, neighborhood canaima, the palmar, urbanization, fifth of the savannah, urbanization, Maria de Oviedo, institute antonia, school, san benito tibati, school, Aquileo parra, district technical institute, Saint Charles, school, american pipe, coffee bank, club, the pines, fitness center, icbf., family welfare, home from, santa, Claudia, railroad track, Street, neighborhood, Serrezuela, Street, Street, career, Street, neighborhood bilbao, Berlin neighborhood, Lisbon neighborhood, Santa Cecilia neighborhood, tuscany neighborhood, neighborhood miramar, River, spout, spout, a.s.d., Ave., career, share, climb up, plant, concrete, avenue cundinamarca, cll., cross, urb london, avenue of the mercedes, cll., Ave., career, monastery, immaculate, association, Colombian, children, retarded, communal, living room, tunabaja de, climb up, portal of, tunabaja, to climb, the, acacias, neighborhood, Mercedes, the, neighborhood, beautiful villa, neighborhood, low tuna, career, cll., Ave., Ave. Bis, career, Lyceum, factory, ceramics, things points, childish, country, Street, school, military, antonio, narino, set of, career, drops, campanella, Lyceum, hypatia, garden, childish

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Plastic
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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