Map Of Water System DWG Block for AutoCAD




map for Drinking Water in the town of taclla; uptake and driving line

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

stn, rio, rio, rio, rio, pte, pte, pte, pte, rio, rio, rio, rio, rio, rio, rio, asequia, asequia, eje, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, stn, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, stn, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, stn, stn, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rell, eje, stn, rell, eje, rell, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, rell, stn, stn, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, stn, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, trans, trans, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, trans, rell, rell, stn, trans, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, eje, eje, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, rell, stn, eje, rell, rell, stn, trans, rell, rell, rell, rell, trans, trans, rell, rell, trans, rell, rell, eje, rell, rell, rio pariac, trasbase, reservorio, rio pariac, trasbase aerea ml, reservorio existente, puente la planta iv de la hidrolelectrica de pariac, metrados, tubería pvc, válvula compuerta, und., válvula de purga, válvula de aire, und., valvula de purga, trocha carrozable pariac macashca, desarenador, valvula de aire, valvula de purga, valvula de aire, valvula de control, tubería pvc, und., válvula de purga, punto de empalme con la red de distribución existente., captacion del canal de la, portico, caja de válvulas, und., porticos, und., trasbase aerea, captacion en canal existente

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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