Metropolitan Highway System Update – Lima Vias DWG Block for AutoCAD
Roads of Lima city streets; track; sidewalks milestones;nodes
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
graphic scale, av. saenz peña, av. of May, freedom, the sea, independence, Castile, j. galvez, miller, necochea, salaverry, pachitea, manco capac, paita, freedom, putumayo, boli via, Mount Zuma, paraguay, tarapaca, Constitution, San Martin, bolivar, Mexico, daniel grandson, adolfo king, Miguel Grade, Montevideo, big bell, Street, german, siglich, colon, Washington, Pedro Ruiz, peace on earth, square, independence, Real Felipe, Ecuador, square, galvez, square, grade, Park, of May, malecón figueredo, manco capac, fenced, the callao, Street, maritime terminal, fist, cusco, I love you, cashew, montezuma, eyesight, atahualpa, av. saenz pena, av. May 2nd, big bell, peace, ica, arequipa, nicolas de, pierola, zepita, Venezuela, antonio, He looked, questioned, Manuel, scratched, pacasmayo, Uruguay, garcia, Calderon, mollifying, yl, canete, trujillo, chancay, octavio espinoza, palaces, tacna, north, cusco, av. Argentina, av guard chalaca, chachapoyas, canyon, I knew, atahualpa, av. Republic of Panama, av. central, av. Buenos Aires, jose parodi, m. ugarte, mayer, medina, bonnemaison, slash, no gag, f.quiroz, owners, the rubies, day, man, tes, the sapphires, the emeralds, pucallpa, rich villa, yurimaguas, Oxapampa, Manuel Arispe, huascar, piura, arequipa, cusco, you lie, ucayali, moquegua, ica, I love you, junin, sullan, piura, av. nestor gambeta, av. from the mall, av. ramon castilla, tacna, av. m. grade, av. Saint Rose, av. Guadeloupe, huascar, av. rear admiral lives, mariategui, rio rimac, huanuco, San Martin, av. morales duarez, tacna, piura, from January, lambayeque, Enrique Meiggs, watchtower, ancash, huanuco, san maritn, callao, callejon villegas, pje the carmen, fencing of the callao, av. colonel nestor gambetta, Juan Miller, Miguel Capurro, otto kiffer, av. rimac, urb. industrial, the chalaca, Manuel Arispe, oval, centenary, av. argentian republic, callejon villegas, av. central, av. Saint Rose, cemeteries, pj. jose botterin, av. colonial, urb. saint, antonio, school, san antonio, zonal park, beautiful view, av. Saint Rose, the topaz, av. guard chalaca, cemetery, British, living place, stevedores, zarumilla, pierola, fanning, of heroes, v. fajardo, commander thorn, bolognesi, grade, to. ugarte, plaza isabel, catholic, av. saenz pena, v. fajardo, chincha, is born, colon, California, arica, rear admiral, villar, arequipa, j. key, peaceful, pizarro, I like, fill in, fist, saloom, Sucre, zepita, Venezuela, Castile, colon, guisse, moquegua, tacna, arica, the bright, aquamarine, neighborhood unit, santa marina north, santa marina south, a.h. tupac amaru, a.h. v. from fatima, av. Alfredo Palacios, chachapoyas, prolongation supe, fernandini, huacho, lambayeque, Chiclayo, chimbote, av. guard chalaca, pisco, square, fanning, Street, Jose de, the cross, Street, av. rear admiral lives, Venezuela, north tacna, p. mcal., Castile, arequipa, north, housing program, p.j new port, railway, av. Venezuela, av. Saint Rose, av. of the Marine, Street, iquique, tarapaca, arica, marshal, Castile, av. guard chalaca, av. Joseph, galvez, hill, asap, jr., arica, av., lime, pedro ii, Brazil, artigas, Montevideo, lincoln, marshal, Castile, maranga, zarumilla, Alfonso, ugarte, grade, maranga, av. Joseph, galvez, bolognesi, Victor, fajardo, cmdte. thorn, Joseph, olaya, tupac, amaru, Cahuide, fajardo, francisco pizarro, loreto, arica, rear admiral, villar, cheek
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, beabsicht, block, borough level, city, DWG, HIGHWAY, lima, metropolitan, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, road design, roads, sidewalks, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, streets, system, track, update, urban design, urban plan, vias, zoning |