Multifamily Building DWG Block for AutoCAD

Architectural Design of a multifamily semi basement – building structures, foundations; plates, lightweight, ladder, tank ;

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

pending, semisotano, visit, principal, high, of cat, principal, visiting, principal, of light, visiting, of exercises, of light, of service, of elevated tank, of light, floor, visit, of service, principal, principal, dinning room, dinning room, of exercises, of services, high, visit, service, n.p.t., ceiling, principal, According to shoe box, free, seismic separation board, variable retaining wall screen, free, in plant, see plates, in plant, see plates, slab, of emplacement of reinforcement in plates, esc, maximum slope, slab, picture, columns, height of, half of, vertical reinforcement, values ​​of, splices traccion in colum. plates, plate column, column, of the rods, horizontal irons indicated in each case., which will be interspersed with stirrups, the plates will be confined with stirrups, Note: zone of reinforcements indicated in, additional stirrups, confinement of plates, as indicated, horizontal plate, confinement, Zone of, license plate, additional stirrups, Reinforcement area, confinement, Zone of, first, plant of, esc, cutting income stair detail, niv, Typical joints of beams with columns, esc, rest, of columns, According to picture, of columns, According to picture, According to picture, for the foundation trace see the architectural plans., all the shoes have concrete f’c, esc, of columns, foundation note, after stripping the roof with brick tambourine., Characteristics of confined masonry, mortar, thickness of mortar joints, of columns, According to picture, minimal thickness, unity brick tambourine, standard sand lime, max cm, min: cm, f’m kg, min., construction design specifications, the non-bearing walls will rise their total height, technical building standards, observations, earthquake resistant design standards, According to picture, of columns, carrying capacity, National building regulations, ground, overlap length see lam., Minimum anchor lengths of reinforcement, overlaps, indicated in the lightened planes, According to picture, of columns, anchorage, According to picture, of columns, floor, stairs, overloads, semi floor, stirrups, concrete cyclopean, more pg, concrete f’c, of columns, flat beams, beams columns, shoes, lightened stairs, steel reinforcement fy, coatings, According to picture, reinforced concrete, concrete cyclopean, concrete foundations run cyclopean, Technical specifications, Folding detail of stirrups, Beam column, covering, esc, covering, Beam column, n.f.p., According to column chart, stirrups by izage, According to shoe box, typical shoe detail, poor concrete flooring, n.f.z., cut, n.f.c., n.f.p., dxi, dhi, zusc, rxx, ryy, building weight, dyi, dhi, n.f.p., resistance the compression, f’b kg, earthquake resistant parameters, techniques, n.v., n.f.c., n.t.n., cut retaining wall detail, esc, poor concrete flooring, n.f.p., projection of banked beam, n.l.a., n.f.c., rec. free, beam, seismic separation board, n.f.p., n.f.c., n.p., n.f.c., affirmed, cut ramp detail, esc, shoe, drainage channel, mesh, concrete screed, concrete, mesh, mesh, mesh, cistern detail, esc, from Marco, n.f.p., n.f.c., shoe, n.f.z., poor concrete flooring, n.f.p., n.f.c., za

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Masonry, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Deck / Patio
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Startland Construction

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