Multifamily Housing DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Multifamily project consists of parking for 120 cars, 6 levels of housing, inner square, box office, common areas, gym on the first level, common-use area; 2 cuts in detail.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

trash duct, elevator, lobby, approval:, fisherman, urb. libertad, santa rosa, urb. bata rimac, urb. city, urb. the stevedores, urb. the macarena, l. albujar, talambo, jose c. mariategui, mariano melgar, tarapaca, tovar, luis larco, arrieta, cmdte., fanning, medina, saenz, penalty, neighborhood, fiscal, villar, calderon, contralmirante, rimac rio, pj, new port, unit vec., model, pj , san martin, of truncheons, freedom, the sea, independence, castilla, j. galvez, miller, necochea, salaverry, pachitea, manco capac, paita, putumayo, boli via, monte zuma, paraguay, constitucion, bolivar, mexico, daniel grandson, adolfo king, miguel grau, montevideo, monteagudo, german, siglich, colon, washington, pedro ruiz, peace soldan, real felipe, ecuador, park, malecon figueredo, puno, cusco, ayacucho, maranon, montezuma, atahualpa, ica, nicolas de, pierola, zepita, venezuela, antonio, miro, quesada, manuel, raygada , uruguay, garcia, huascar, mariategui, arequipa, cuzco, cocharne, saloom, sucre, guise, moquegua, railway, carrillo, apurimac, loreto, ancash, plaza, marco, polo, sports field, municipal, olavide, gamarra, rock, chanchamayo, titicaca, ucayali, gamarrita, titcaca, states, united, j. fanning, magdalena, new street, home of, minors, alvarez del villar, pachincha, alberto secada, p. ruiz gallo, colonial, marco polo, center of naval training, garcia and, moore, palaces, tnte., d. ferre, e. aguirre, malecon wiese, gral. valley, zela, urb. industrial, la chalaca, pj. hostel, constanza, urb. san, urb. popular, founded la chalaca, neighborhood unit, saanta marina north, santa marina south, p.j. alfredo, pp.jj. c. velasco, t. amaru, v. from fatima, a.p.v, stevedores, villegas, p.j. care, chalaca, p.j. n.g., gambetta, don bosco, unit, vigil, guard, a.h. san, judas tadeo, neighborhood, the pearl, urb. benjamin doig l., urb. the pearl, urb., high seas, the roses, from this. rosa, urb. the taboadita, urb. the pillars, san fernando, juan pablo ii, bella union, a.h., a. h. nestor gambetta, urb. chiclin, benjamin doig, city of the fisherman, a. h. marginal, a. h. the ayllu, chachapoyas, canyon, jose parodi, m. ugarte, mayer, bonnemaison, noguera, f.quiroz, duenas, rubies, day, man, tees, sapphires, emeralds, manuel arispe, piura, tumbes, junin, sullana, tacna, huanuco, lambayeque, enrique meiggs, watchtower , san maritn, callao, callejon villegas, pje. el carmen, juan miller, miguel capurro, otto kiffer, oval, centenary, cemeteries, school, san antonio, zonal park, the topaz, cemetery, britanico, housing, zarumilla, of the heroes, v. fajardo, bolognesi, grau, a. ugarte, plaza isabel, catholic, chincha, arica, bright, aquamarine, prolongation supe, fernandini, huacho, iquique, marshal, hill, asapa, jr., pedro ii, brazil, artigas, lincoln, alfonso, ugarte, maranga, olaya, amaru, caceres, cahuide, belizario, suarez, june, tarata, morro, tupac, dos de, may, pavayacu, galdos, spain, mama ocllo, revolution, tupac amaru, melgar, mariano, wiracocha, pachacutec, camana, two May, sinchi roca, av., l. meadow, b. borsani, roses, pje. pio xii, military school leoncio prado, elias chunga, julia smith, e. marquez, Riestra Valley, J Street, m. bonnemaison, m. striped, e. palaces, a. cross, f. quiroz, d. arruz, e. sabogal, jorge lizarde, street i, street h, g street, francisco de zela, b street, a. valdelomar, m. sure, abancay, huancavelica, jr. iquitos, j. c., July, tarma, luis banchero rossi, prol. huascar, poggi, duilio, emancipation, ferreyra, chiclin, chepen, moche, ascope, viru, ramon zavala, sn. fernando, inca rock, chimbote, sinchi, pacasmayo, r. zavala, pje., mantaro, talara, amazonas, trujillo, huamachuco, otuzco, albujar, segura, pensilvania, carlos, a. saco, jequetepeque, baca flower, felipe, pinglo alva, federico, villareal, j. m. arguedas, ignacio merino, l. da vince, marine concentrates s. a., naval police, san jose, corongo, lima, pje. hercules, coliceo, miranave, jose de, the cross, bathrobe, peace, mollendo, ilo, octavio espinoza, north, supe, pucallpa, villa rica, yurimaguas, oxapampa, av. rimac, spinal commander, nazca, california, j. chavez, pacifico, pizarro, chiclayo, pisco, north tacna, pza. mcal., victor, fajardo, cmdte. espinar, Francisco pizarro, mendoza, military zone, navy of the peru, canete, chancay, jose, a.h. Lord of miracles, prolong. cuzco, carolina freyre, pedro benvenutto, prolon. ayacucho, mercedes gallagher de parks, maria escobar, carlos couple, pando, urb. bellavista, urb. gardens viru, urb. the, urb. the colonial, urb. the, conquerors, dulanto, urb. rimac beach, el aguila, urb. maranga, urb. arbolada, from maranga, the legends, urb. the precursors, urb. residential, urb. german, astete, urb. airport, urb. grimanesa, santa luisa, manuel estacio, alberto arca parmo, diego quispe, m. echevarria, f. gerdes, beatriz cisneros, leoncio meadow, commander moore, miramar, villavicencio, violets, jasminez, lilies, l

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio, Elevator, Parking
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  • Released

    December 16, 2017

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