Multiplate DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Hob consultants s.a., yam, Pbase, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Right, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, description, date, approval:, review:, specialist:, Head study:, Definitive study, Of the road: tocache juanjuí, For rehabilitation improvement, Ing, telephone fax:, Calle aguada blanca lima peru, e-mail:, Plot process:, date:, Stretch: tocache pizana, scale, contract, Cad, Rev, Esp, Provias national, ministry, Transport, Communications, Peru, Road border exist., Csa, Straight eave, Road side, Channeling, Access padding, Splicing on road platform, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., access, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Rewind, Uncoated trench type iv, Rewind, Drainage ditch exist., Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Sewer type abobedada, Existing water course, Sewer type abobedada, Non-woven, Non-woven, Pizzeria, Longitudinal rods of, Continue along the thrust beam., Maximum spacing, note, Minimum coating, Threaded bent stirrups, Every three corrugations, Use this dimension as, Drawing reference only, Should not be used for location, In work of the thrust beam., Maximum light, Detail of the push beam, Overlap, Side plates, from the corner, Double nut, Use nut, From multiplate, Plate, the lid, Concrete thrust beam must be, Fused in such a way as to maintain, The balance of loads on each side of the, structure., Stirrup detail, Bent threaded, Longitudinal reinforcements can be, Located on either side of the stirrup., thread, Notes:, Detail of thrust beam for arc profile low sa, Of the sewer, Section, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, channel, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Pegc, Pegl, Peg, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, mileage, Quota of, ground, Quota, Foundation, coronation, Quota of, Quota, Rim, Culvert, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., Channeling, Csa, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Eaves gavion wall, With concrete, Protected background, sewer, existing, Non-woven, Non-woven, Culvert, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., Channeling, Csa, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Eaves gavion wall, With concrete, Protected background, sewer, existing, Non-woven, Non-woven, Culvert, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., Channeling, Csa, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Eaves gavion wall, With concrete, Protected background, sewer, existing, Non-woven, Non-woven, Culvert, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., Channeling, Csa, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Eaves gavion wall, With concrete, Protected background, sewer, existing, Non-woven, Non-woven, Road border exist., Csa, Straight eave, Road side, Channeling, Access padding, Splicing on road platform, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., access, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Rewind, Uncoated trench type iv, Rewind, Drainage ditch exist., Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Sewer type abobedada, Existing water course, Sewer type abobedada, Non-woven, Non-woven, Road border exist., Csa, Straight eave, Road side, Channeling, Access padding, Splicing on road platform, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., access, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Rewind, Uncoated trench type iv, Rewind, Drainage ditch exist., Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Sewer type abobedada, Existing water course, Sewer type abobedada, Non-woven, Non-woven, Road border exist., Csa, Straight eave, Road side, Channeling, Access padding, Splicing on road platform, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., access, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Rewind, Uncoated trench type iv, Rewind, Drainage ditch exist., Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Sewer type abobedada, Existing water course, Sewer type abobedada, Non-woven, Non-woven, Road border exist., Csa, Straight eave, Road side, Channeling, Access padding, Splicing on road platform, Road border exist., berm, Axis proy., access, Cab. Ent., Cab. Salt., Rewind, Uncoated trench type iv, Rewind, Drainage ditch exist., Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Existing water course, Cleaning channel, Sewer type abobedada, Existing water course, Sewer type abobedada, Non-woven, Non-woven, Rio tocache, Existing coastal defense, Bridge stick white, Erosion sector, Lower slope, at the left-side, Access quarry

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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