Odor Filter DWG Block for AutoCAD




Odor filter for treatment plant of sewage

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Engineering Management, approval, Department head, Assistant manager of studies, reviser, Indicated, review, scale, description, March, content, date, Pichilemu, A.s., draft, Odor treatment system, Plan # of, General biofilter plant, Support structure plants, Faculty of engineering school of environmental engineering Catholic University of Temuco, Cad data, color, Cm., Pencil number, scale, thickness, description, responsable, reviser, correction, draft, bring back, re-entry, draft, date, predetermined, Christian herrera, Alberto vergara, Project manager, Ing. draft, Leachate purge nc, Hdpe, float, Humidifier, Biofilter compartment, fan, General scale plant, Treated air, Hdpe, Concrete support, departure, Hdpe, Concrete support, Treated air, Hdpe, departure, Concrete support, Hdpe output, Hdpe, float, Hdpe, Irrigation pump nutrient feed, Nutrient tank type rotoplas other similar lts, valve, Hdpe output, support, Liquid recirculation pump, Hdpe elbow, Hdpe, Leachate purge nc, Electrovalve, support, Engineering Management, approval, Department head, Assistant manager of studies, reviser, Indicated, review, scale, description, March, content, date, Pichilemu, A.s., draft, Odor treatment system, Plan # of, Facades, Faculty of engineering school of environmental engineering Catholic University of Temuco, Cad data, color, Cm., Pencil number, scale, thickness, description, responsable, reviser, correction, draft, bring back, re-entry, draft, date, predetermined, Christian herrera, Alberto vergara, Project manager, Ing. draft, Leachate purge nc, fan, Hdpe, Irrigation pump nutrient feed, Nutrient tank type rotoplas other similar lts, Hdpe, Leachate purge nc, Concrete support, Hdpe output, Concrete support, Hdpe output, Concrete support, Hdpe output, Concrete support, Hdpe output, float, Humidifier, Hdpe, American union, Hdpe, Biofilter compartment, American union, Hdpe, Hdpe, American union, Biofilter compartment, American union, Hdpe, Hdpe, American union, Pipe network for sprinklers esc., float, Nutrient tank type rotoplas lts other similar, Det. No, Concrete slab cm. of thickness, Cross-section, scale, The profile of fe mm., Anchor plate, Soldier support, Wall biofilter mm., The profile of fe mm., Welded plate, The profile of fe mm., Concrete support, Hdpe air outlet, Cut scale, Air outlet pipe bracket, Air intake hose bracket, Leachate purge, level meter, Air outlet pipe bracket, Air intake hose bracket, Air outlet pipe bracket, Air intake hose bracket, air entrance. #!, Hdpe, support, Removable cap, peephole, Humidifier cover, Ladder, Leachate purge nc, Ladder, Humidifier cover, Ladder, Front facade scale, air entrance. #!, Hdpe, support, Leachate purge nc, Removable cap, peephole, float, Sampling ports, Concrete slab cm. of thickness, Ladder, Hdpe pipe outlet humid air, Humidifier, Demister, Humidifier cover, Ladder, Longitudinal cut, Sampling ports, Rear facade scale, Right side scale front, Front left side scale, Sprinkler network plants, Water network service, valve, Valve on, Hdpe elbow, Liquid recirculation pump, Sprinkler lh spray angle intertior connection of movable spray angle to locate the angle of irrigation. Nebulizer lh spray angle intertior spray angle connection sprinkler lh spray angle intertior connection of movable spray angle to locate the angle of irrigation. Solenoid valve with flow control resistant material with uv protection. Of flows manual key control of flows up to one of regulation. inside. Liters per minute. Supplied by the programmer., Piece box system, Tee three units, Elbow hdpe units., Air outlet pipe bracket, Air intake hose bracket, Valve on, scale, Det. No, Hdpe, Hdpe pipe, Stainless steel blade mm., container, trash, Daf, container, sand, Centrifuge, cellar, products, Chemists, Dispenser, polymer, Low level, pool, water well, pumping, support, Daf, container, sand, Low level, water well, pumping, Humidifier, support, Biofilter, Odor filter, Camel, Biofilter, Pvc m., Inspection chamber cm, Round cover, Round frame, Hcv module, Cm., Sidewalk radier concrete, Compacted ground, Refined pure cement, Detail inspection chamber distribution, Sewer network scale, Existing network service water, Service water network projected, Humidifier, Biofilter, Odor filter, Biofilter, Service water network scale, Purge

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot
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