Pantry DWG Section for AutoCAD




Floor plan; elevation; section; detail

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Indonesian):

Storage, Dispenser, refrigerator, Dinnerware, trash can, Small cutlery, gas, Post-wash area, stove, Washing area, Cutting area, oven, Serving equipment, Snacks cookware, cooking ware, Spices, Floor finishing description:, Vinyl flooring wood, Carpet dark green, Ceramic tiles cm cream, Ceramic tiles cm gray, Furniture finishing description:, Top table: glass, Top table: multiplex fin. Hpl white, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl wood, Wall finishing description:, Aci fine white interior paint, top view, front look, side view, Interior layout plan, Layout plan pantry, Multiplex mm fin: hpl wooden motif, Handle stainless steel, Glass mm, Top table multiplex mm fin: hpl white doff, Multiplex mm fin: hpl wooden motif, Multiplex mm fin: hpl white doff glazed mm, Fin. Stainless steel sheet, Multiplex mm fin: hpl wooden motif, Aluminum frame, Multiplex mm fin: hpl wooden motif, Multiplex mm fin: hpl white doff, Exhaust fan, Hanging utensil holder, Hanging rack stainless steel, Tob table granite color: white, Multiplex mm fin: hpl white doff, Looks front pantry, Hpl green young layered glass mm, Looked right side of the pantry, Side view of the pantry, Multiplex mm fin: hpl wooden motif, Hanging rack stainless steel, Hpl green young layered glass mm, Top table granite color: white, Multiplex mm fin: granite hpl, Table top flex hinge system, Plinth, Bracing studs, Shelf pin hole, Multiplex mm fin: hpl white doff, piece, Flap hinge, Detail trash cabinet hinge, Floor finishing description:, Vinyl flooring col. Wood motif, Carpet col. green, Ceramic tiles cm col. beige, Ceramic tiles cm col., Furniture finishing description:, Top table: white granite, Fin wooden campboard board. Hpl wooden motif, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl wooden motif, Wall finishing description:, Aci fine paint interior col. white, Pantry, Project title, Tutor assistant, Date, Page, Checked by, Counter top, Details, Top table: granite color: white, Multiplex, Multiplex mm fin: granite hpl, Details, closed, open, Interior design, Faculty of art and design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Interior project management, semester, Pantry, Course title, Legend, Project title, Student number, Tutor assistant, Drawing title, Scale, Date, Page, Checked by, Des, Annisya syahreni, Interior plan and room layout, Good m.t, Kharista astrini m.ds, Irvan, Floor finishing description:, Vinyl flooring col. Wood motif, Carpet col. green, Ceramic tiles cm col. beige, Ceramic tiles cm col., Furniture finishing description:, Top table: glass, Top table: multiplex fin. Hpl white doff, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl wooden motif, Wall finishing description:, Aci fine paint interior col. white, Interior layout plan, Interior design, Faculty of art and design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Interior project management, semester, Pantry, Course title, Legend, Project title, Student number, Tutor assistant, Drawing title, Scale, Date, Page, Checked by, Des, Annisya syahreni, Looks pantry existing, Good m.t, Kharista astrini m.ds, Irvan, Furniture finishing description:, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl white doff, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl wooden motif, Wall finishing description:, Aci fine paint interior col. white, Front view of the existing pantry, Plinth, Sink, Cookware storage, Snacks storage, Study table, Sink plumbing, Cooking hood, Gas stove, Gas storage, Sandblast glass mm, Glass mm, Stainless steel, Side view of the existing pantry, Interior design, Faculty of art and design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Interior project management, semester, Pantry, Course title, Legend, Project title, Student number, Tutor assistant, Drawing title, Scale, Date, Page, Checked by, Des, Annisya syahreni, Layout plan pantry, Good m.t, Kharista astrini m.ds, Irvan, Layout plan pantry, Stainless steel, Multiplex mm fin. Stainless steel sheet, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl white doff glazed mm, Hpl green young layered glass mm, Floor finishing description:, Vinyl flooring col. Wood motif, Carpet col. green, Ceramic tiles cm col. beige, Ceramic tiles cm col., Furniture finishing description:, Top table: white granite, Fin wooden campboard board. Hpl wooden motif, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl wooden motif, Wall finishing description:, Aci fine paint interior col. white, Stainless steel, Multiplex mm fin. Stainless steel sheet, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl white doff glazed mm, Glass mm fin. Sticker col. light green, Interior design, Faculty of art and design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Interior project management, semester, Pantry, Course title, Legend, Project title, Student number, Tutor assistant, Drawing title, Scale, Date, Page, Checked by, Des, Annisya syahreni, Looks front pantry, Good m.t, Kharista astrini m.ds, Irvan, Looks front pantry, Floor finishing description:, Vinyl flooring col. Wood motif, Carpet col. green, Ceramic tiles cm col. beige, Ceramic tiles cm col., Furniture finishing description:, Top table: white granite, Fin wooden campboard board. Hpl wooden motif, Multiplex mm fin. Hpl wooden motif, Description of finishing dindin

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language N/A
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Glass, Steel, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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