Paving – Plant And Street Sections Cortez DWG Full Project for AutoCAD
This project is a pavement with reinforced concrete, which has the plant type section; profile; sections, with their respective flat foot. project in Zacapoaxtla; Puebla
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
state, tepeyahualco, atoyatempan, tochtepec, huehuetlan, Saint Sebastian, tlacotepec, ahuehuetitla, guadeloupe, big, state, Warrior, teotlalco, morelos, jolalpan, chila, tulcingo, the salt, albino zertuche, xicotlan, Warrior, chiautla, cohetzala, ixcamilpa, tecomatlan, piaxtla, axutla, chinantla, izucar de, matamoros, huaquechula, tepemaxalco, tlapanala, tilapa, acteopan, tepexco, chietla, atzala, atzitzihuacan, cohuecan, boy, huehuetlan, ahuatlan, coatzingo, San Martin, totoltepec, epatlan, xochiltepec, teopantlan, tepeojuma, andrade, tehuitzingo, cuayuca de, oaxaca, Bravo, chapulco, morelos, tehuacan, jeronimo, ixitlan, chila, saint, Miguel, state, totoltepec, Warrior, Bravo, xayacatlan, petlalcingo, xayacatlan, zapotitlan, saint, Paul, anican, yeloixtlahuaca, san pedro, acatlan, ixcaquixtla, tepexi, Rodriguez, molcaxac, Benito Juarez, tlacotepec de, Lopez, tepanco, everybody, Saints, xochitlan, Juan, Mendez, huitziltepec, cuauhtemoc, San Juan Atzompa, yehualtepec, coyotepec, saint, atexcal, St. Catarina, tlaltempan, cupcake, tlatlauquitepec, chigmecatitlan, ahuatempan, Holy Ines, huatlatlauca, zacapala, altepexi, zinacatepec, Saint Gabriel, chilac, san jose miahuatlan, coxcatlan, coyomeapan, caltepec, vicente, Warrior, nicolas, saint, antoni, Bravo, Santiago, miahuatlan, zoquitlan, eloxochitlan, ajalpan, state, chila honey, puebla, tlaxcala, state, Mexico, San Felipe, teotlalcingo, san matias, tlameleca, chiautzingo, tianguismanalco, tlahuapan, green, San Salvador, Sunday, sands, tochimilco, ranches, san nicolas of the, saint, Martin, texmelucan, xoxtla, tlaltenango, San Miguel, coronango, cuautlancingo, huejotzingo, St Geronimo, calm, Juan C. bonilla, cholula, saint, atzompa, gregorio, cholula, san andres, ocoyucan, nealtican, atlixco, San Diego, table, tochimiltzingo, Saint Elizabeth, cholula, san pedro, tecuanipan, gentleman, state, chignahuapan, saint, nicolas, airs, good ones, shell, tepeyahualco, aljojuca, palm grove, Sesame chalchicomula, ixtacamaxtitlan, aquixtla, Saragossa, zautla, ocampo, acajete, Oriental, Chiapa, saint, savior, the dry, rafael, grajales, lara, juarez, nopalucan, mazapiltepec, Saint Joseph, free, ocotepec, tepeaca, mixtla, santo tomas hueyotlipan, tlanepantla, gentleman, tepatlaxco, amozoc, tecali of, herrera, tzicatlacoyan, cuautinchan, San Juan, atenco, angels, Quecholac, San Salvador, huixcolotla, tecamachalco, the Kings, juarez, cuapiaxtla, from madero, acatzingo, soltepec, general felipe, chignautla, tlatlauquitepec, chilchotla, Forge, victory, chichiquila, quimixtlan, guadeloupe, hope, atzitzintla, tlachichuca, zacapoaxtla, jonotla, San Felipe, galeana, chiconcuautla, zacatlan, huehuetla, olintla, coatepec, caxhuacan, ignacio, allende, zochiapan, nauzontla, ixtepec, huitzilan de serdan, hueytlalpan, zapotitlan, of mendez, xochitlan, vicente suarez, xochiapulco, tepatlan, tepango, Rodriguez, amixtlan, zongozotla, cuautempan, ahuacatlan, tepetzintla, camocuautla, tetela, ahuazotepec, francisco z., ore, Venustian, carranza, pantepec, xicotepec, tlaxco, tlaola, tlacuilotepec, Juan, red snapper, galindo, jalpan, jopala, tlapacoya, hermenegildo, zihuateutla, pahuatlan, naupan, hueytamalco, ayotoxco, hueyapan, teziutlan, yaonahuac, teteles, avila, castle, Warrior, xiutetelco, acateno, galeana, cuetzalan del, progress, atempan, tenampulco, tuzamapan, zacapoaxtla, Garrison, placed on a sand bed of cms thickness, of cms of thickness, variable, Section type, subgrade, variable, maximum added a thickness of cm., pend., natural terrain, Hydrauilic base of cms of thickness, p
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Full Project |
Category | Misc Plans & Projects |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | assorted, autocad, concrete, DWG, full, pavement, paving, plant, profile, Project, puebla, reinforced, section, sections, street, template, type |