Pcaracas Lanes Of Parish El Junquito DWG Block for AutoCAD




Caracas planes; Venezuela; divided by parish Parish El Junquito. include topography

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

iberoamerican street, street buenavista, street progress, May street, el morro street, calle la loma, Saguino, school, iberoamerican, Ibero-American sector, broken guamal, peasant sector, the eucalyptus, c. the stadium, good shepherd street, street la ceiba, street ppal. from, stolen, rivas berti, sector, san jose street, street the park, the batter, street the batea, sector, street tachira, Street, Street, sector luis hurtado, sector luis hurtado, street the, pica, sebucan, sector, street ppal. luis hurtado, tachira street, tepuy street, b. luis hurtado, andes street, street pica, pica, street san roman, Claret Street, Street, main road, Luisa Caceres de Arismendi, street the park, venezuela street, rivas berti, principal, via, Street, street the mangoes, zuniga, merida street, street road el rosario, calle el rosario, street pica, Street, street the, dad, tri, olivos street, street zuniga, street the union, Street, Oriental, central Street, Street, guayana street, Arismendi, av. I will tell you, caceres, Louise, sector the castle, highway, the democrats, sector, tepuy street, street l stolen, oriental street, the, central Street, Street, tepuis, street the union, via, principal, the nursery, from tacagua, street lisbon, street four, street three, street two, street one, antihand, parish, antihand, big ranch, neighborhood, Buenos Aires, neighborhood, Buenos Aires, road junky, neighborhood, road junky, c. terrace, parish sucre, c. terrace a., c. terrace c., c., dry cracked, street lisbon, street one, street lisbon, broken caucagua, b. Buenos Aires, b. sta eduvigis, km., parish antiman, junkyard, highway, parish sucre, the avocado, estate, Saint Joseph, antenna, the nisperos, urbanization, the nisperos, school group, luis hurtado, fig tree, highway, of the nisperos, principal, Street, junkyard, calle el rosario, the rosary, estate, green Mount, neighborhood, green Mount, neighborhood, antenna, sector, the avocado, km., junkyard, highway, km., neighborhood, km., neighborhood, km., neighborhood, km., neighborhood, km., neighborhood, km., neighborhood, km., neighborhood, Street, coromoto, parish antiman, street monagas, bast, Street, tador, street tovar, road junky, sector lomas de paya, sector lomas de paya, road junky, road lomas de paya, street entrance, Street, the park, tower, Street, street canaima, street andres bello, street sucre, neighborhood, canaima, Factory of, mattresses, morgan, Street, Park, cjon the hill, the main, street the muffs, street magellan, Street, antenna, hotel the, castle, road junky, road junquito km., chapel, Street, mount tall, urbanization, mount tall, urbanization, avenue la grove, avenue the pines, mount tall, urbanization, mount tall, avenue la grove, antenna, road junky, hotel, the parador of the jungle, antenna, iberoamerican street, street el farallon, kilometer, liptos, euca, Street, the, Ibero-American sector, c. the pines, the, Street, Pine trees, c. the chapel, av. the grove, Street, culture, Bis, via caracas km., mills, road junky, Street, the, Street, the yagrumo, main, Street, tree, gives, of the, Street, forest, Street, prince, cipal, prince, Street, cipal, of the, forest, to last, Street, forest, street the, principal, Street, bos, of the, what, the, lle, c. the araguaney, palms, calle los lirios, calle el apamate, street the

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 22, 2017

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