Perimetrico Plano DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Plan of the village broom cajamarca

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

construction picture, vertice, side, dist., angle, east, north, ab, nm, to tartar large, to otuzco, to inca baths, scale, canal remonta i, canal remonta ii, canal santa rita, oval, canal huayrapongo, to tartar. c h i c o, broken without a name, jr. mayta cápac, jr. lloque yupanqui, av. main road of otuzco, windows of otuzco, archaeological center, church, large, tartar, Cajamarca road-Inca baths, former fish farming, road to celendín, highway to celendín, puylucana, Inca baths, tourist, complex, aac, av. manco cápac, psje. projected, psje. projected, psje. projected, ca. projected, broken tingomayo, av. manco cápac, jr. sinchi rock, j r. m a r i z u, road to the farm san antonio, psje. the perolites, prolg. pachacutec, plazuela, army, santa rita channel, jr. zepita, road to llacanora, av. the sun, ca. alameda la chonta, j r. Inca rock, Inca mills, Psje. the quipus, children, park, psje. toparpa, country club, artificial lagoon, church, fongal, jr. sairi túpac, street el chorro, jr. yahuar huaca, jr. abrray noriega valera., jr. túpac inca yupanqui, j r. p a c h a c u t e c, jr. huayna cápac, jr. huascar, urbanization, cemetery, p u e b l o, d e l, c l u b, j r. l a l i b e r t a d, jr., av. eucalyptus, psje. central, ca. union, psje. the victory, pje.porongo, j r. h u a y r a p o n g o, psje. real road, p l g., p a c h a c u t c c, j r. m a n c or inca, inia, post, medical, jr. cápac yupamqui, jr. sinchi rock, jr. Inca rock, dry lagoon, av. m a n c or cápac, psje. tupac amaru, j r. w i r a c o c h a, psje. e s t r e c h o, av. manco cápac, prlg. p a c h a c u t c, a celendín, manco cápac, jr. mayta cápac, prolg. lloque yupanqui, ca. to tartar boy, populated center, guadeloupe, av., road, prlg. yahuar, huaca, prlg. yahuar huaca, jr. the progress, broken tingomayo, cp., river chonta, road to otuzco, plaza, arms, catholic, pedestrian suspension bridge otuzco, psje. manco cápac, psje. Hope, psje. common without a name, psje. the laurels, hot water channel, psj. for family use, hotel dry lagoon income, projection of jr el sol, psje. for family use, hotel laguna seca, psje. spring, psje. tayapampa, broken shaullo, psje. No name, psje. particular, jr. the cypresses, jr. the willows, psje. tingomayo, street b, jr. huayna capac, jr. Inca yupanqui, jr. the Inca, the island, plaza de armas, stadium, jr. atahualpa, jr. empire, psje. inti, sports slabs, road to big tartar, road without name, carr. to San Antonio farm, pedestrian suspension, road to otuzco, road to Chachapoyas, irrigation canal, access road to the farm, Puente Chonta, Jr. tupac inca yupanqui, prop. chugur cheeses eirl., unidentified lots, changing rooms, entrance, tourism, swimming pool, children, adults, elevated tank, island, pje. no name, car wash, tank, ramp, spare parts store, offices, dining room, area, home, force, exhibition, sentry, office, sedimentation, infiltration, well, farmland, pasajeprimavera, passage, ex toril , terrace, tavern, deposits, services, accounting development, rooms, warehouses, laundry, hydromassage, massage therapy, chapel, reception, horse stable, meeting room, auditorium, single rooms, admission, kitchen, suites, sauna, indoor circulation, power house, general, electric pump, cistern, hot spring, earth well, boosts water to the hydromassage, boosts water to t. e, boosts water to the suites, canal, private passage, existing passage, passage, stadium – village club, platform, concrete, volleyball, basketball, lagoon, viveroforestal, fishery offices, fish tank, industry management, sports field, road , warehouse and garage, greenhouse, swimming pool, future local municipal land, Inca well, gym and massages, museum, sauna, perolitos, tourist pavilion, bungalows, hostel, ss.hh., office, ticket office, wells, showers, restaurants , archaeological zone, ex-fish farming, whereabouts of omnibus inca baths, demuna, inabif, warehouse, forest nursery, temporary location of municipality, prol. atahualpa, cashier, local community, ministry, prop. ministry, agriculture, education, district, council, common area, spring, property of natividad gallardo zelada, property of nestor salazar, property of karina cave galarreta, property of fausto zelada saldaña, data collection, professional :, scale :, date :, datum :, department:, cajamarca, location, prov :, owner :, farmhouse :, estate, lamina, nestor wenceslao pando briones, project :, indicated, alfonso mestanza cueva, distr :, s

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Pool, Garage
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