Physical Map Of Lima DWG Block for AutoCAD
physical map of Lima in 2010. The map is made to scale and metric properties that allow you to take measures distances, areas and angles with results.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
location, ica, huancavelica, junin, huanuco, pasco, ancash, sings, cajatambo, oyon, canyon, huaura, huaral, lime, huarochiri, and you, you fell, scale, universal transverse mercury system, legend, ways of communication, paved road, via light surface passable all year round, via light surface passable in dry weather, horseshoe path, Railway Line, landing field, province, departmental capital, provincial capital, district capital, populated center, limits, border landmark, departmental, provincial, various, ports, mining center, geodetic signal, lifting point, archaeological area, lighthouses, farmland, compiled on the basis of the national scale, km., lime, huarochiri, matucana, Father, rio fortaleza, q. corner, rio pativilca, lag. half world, lag. kids, I know, ravine, tayta laynas, q. dead deer, dry river, broken for, lagoon, success, lag. paton, quichas, River, ushua, Condor, jururcocha, piriuyac, pasapuquio, amber river, River, pumayiriri, River, cachaca chaca, River, huayllapampa, rio rapay, rio pativilca, war ragra, coyama, rio aynaca, I know, shihuincocha, Louise, rio huaura, vicos, rio huaura, pachangara, panpanuag river, lagoon, cochaquillo, rio checros, Morococha, rio cochaquillo, cayash river, River, yarac yacu, rio yamana, pallca, cheek, usury, cabrapata, sacrum, ankle, vizcachaca, I love you, rio huaycho, rio ocupampa, broken llocla, lag. mother, dry river, the Lions, broken lumbra, rio chancay, mosquito, quion, innocent, laguna pacocha, lag. yanacocha, lag. brand, lag., tuncan, River, chicrin, river stump, rio chancay, rio carac, lag. wants, rio bathrooms, pacarampi river, yanacocha, rio huayaga, chillon river, pampay, peppermint, kilogram, tumnar, punches, cachicay, ucañan, laguna sacsa, lago piti, lag., huasca, chillon river, rio arahuay, jackal, jicamarca, rio anasmayo, huaycoloro creek, colca, dry, fig tree, yanavisca, huayca, White River, lag., chumpicocha, condorcune, River, conchalla, chayca, rio rimac, rio lurin, rio canchahuara, rio lurin, bad river, lagoon, ticllacocha, lag., llongote, canyon river, rio laran, rio san loreenzo, lag., totoral, lagoon, suyoc, rio aquaquiri, river llullum, Shinguia river, rio tantaro, lag. paucarcocha, lag., suck, rio cañete, bad river, River, pacomanta, broken mariatry, Calahuaya, cacun, Alpaca, shingles, huancani, broken chilca, black bug, jars, lucumo, malanche, bone cross, three crosses, word, broken santiago, guava, broken acacha, broken alder, cantagallo, lag., swimming pool, ankh, lag. carhuacocha, lag. Huichca, lag. quiulacocha, lag. condormachay, antaron, malpaso, rio tumbillo, rio cañete, lag., achinite, tinco river, rio sibua, lag., upianchacha, pucata, pallca, lag., chalhuacocha, lag. huarmicocha, lag., millococha, lag., ñahuincocha, lag., shacullococha, ticlla, rio tambo, rio tana, river cacra, rio lyncha, toupee, rio auquicancha, whose, rio huiahuasur, rio cañete, lacaya, picamaran, pampas, lag., Huancarcocha, atcas, rio huantan, cave ring, quicha, rio quinches, rio huampara, rio san juanquin, huaccha, pillcha, the Augustinian, santa anita, saint Louis, san borja, surquillo, miraflores, San Isidro, Jesus Maria, San Miguel, free town, breña, the victory, rimac, lurigancho, san juan de, the Palm trees, independence, La Molina, worker neighborhood, tip, sea cupcake, perl
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Pool, Car Parking Lot |
Tags | areas, autocad, beabsicht, block, borough level, distances, DWG, lima, lime, map, Measures, metric, physical, political map, politische landkarte, properties, proposed urban, road design, scale, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, urban design, urban plan, zoning |