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Plain Bridge Marcavalle DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

av.collasuyo, av. victor raul has her tower, AC. the platforms, psje. Nameless, jr.wiracocha, AC. the clicks, jr.ccoricalle, jr.incaroca, psje. Nameless, jr.wiracocha, AC. anti-virus, jr.ollantay, jr aclas, jr.los chasquis, psje. the Americas, AC. Chile, ca.chile, jr.viru, jr aclas, jr.wiracocha, jr.rayme, jr.quilla, jr.hanan, jr.mitimaes, AC. huanacauri, fall in love, psj.tambo, pje Nameless, AC. the nusta, pje Nameless, AC. Nameless, ca. colombia, AC. the platforms, turkey phone, jr. the gardens, pronaa, Park, childish, Park, Spain, Park, nameless park, psje. calvary, av. diagonal angamos, psje. inca garcilaso, psje. jibaja, psje. c. gutierrez, av. of culture, av. huayruropata, cachimayo river, av. prol. tupac amaru, cl. tupac yupanqui, cl. ccoricalle, cl. San Juan, av. prol. anti-virus, cl. thought, cl. proletarians, av. royal road, av. the spring, av. the springs, psje. Nameless, av. anti-virus, av. tomasa tito condemayta, av. diagonal angamos, av. the Incas, cl. tambowa, av. portals, cl. florida of the inca, av. the Incas, av. micaela bastidas, psje. hnos to act, psje. villa victoria, jr. miraflores, av. santa ursula, jr. san antonio, av. portals, cl. kawarina, jr. Palestine, av. tupac amaru, jr. arica, psje. geranium, psje. g. candia, psje. Anibal, psje. the cedars, cl. roberto acosta, av. and. barclay, av. rafael aguilar paez, av. gordon magne, psje. carpio, psje. key, psje. geranium, jr. Cesar Vallejo, jr. jose maria arguedas, jr. merry christmas, jr. jose santos chocano, jr. ricardo palma, jr. Manuela. safe, jr. to. Raymond, jr. to. valdelomar, jr. tarapaca, jr. jose c. mariategui, jr. Union, jr. santa beatriz, cl. Nameless, jr. chachacomayoc, jr. July c. tello, cl. alberto hidalgo, cl. Nameless, jr. saylla, jr. andahuaylas, jr. fight, jr. Quiquijana, jr. Oropeza, jr. freedom, av. Convention, av. tupac amaru, jr. micaela bastidas, cl. Alfonso Ugarte, psje. the proceres, grandmother, cl. sapphires, cl. emerald, av. prol. tupac amaru, cl. rep. from Venezuela, av. gaston zapata, jr. jose c. mariategui, jr. ricardo palma, jr. freedom, av. collasuyo, psje. Nameless, jr. tipon, jr. tambomachay, jr. saqsayhuaman, jr. pisac, av. apple orchards, jr. ollantaytambo, jr. kenko, jr kenko, av. collasuyo, av. Peru, av. Brazil, jr. Panama, av. Nicaragua, jr. Cuba, av. collasuyo, cl. Nameless, jr. isidoro flores, jr. Juan de Dios Aguirre, jr. alberto vega rye, cl. trinidad enriquez, cl. fortunato herrera, jr. david chaparro, av. oswaldo baca mendoza, av. oswaldo baca m., cl. fortunato herrera, av. jose gabriel cosio, jr. francisco sivirichi, jr. humberto luna, jr. turner chlorinda matto, jr. san antonio, av. humberto vidal unda, Hill, church, warehouse cerv., j.s.u.d church, e.g., c.e. abelardo quinones, Santa Ana College, French consulate, ccp, cip, hotel, channel, oval, channel, san antonio temple, seminar, sporty, crockery, sporty, crockery, Saint Rose, e.g., San Martin, tap, sporty, crockery, the forest, residential condominium, e.g., crockery, minors, center, sporty, crockery, Miguel Grade, school, Latin, tap, zonal, Park, zonal, Park, hotel, club, crockery, channel, bowman, c.p. isaiah, yanatile company, Coca Cola, bottler, cusco, c

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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