Plane Arequipa City DWG Block for AutoCAD




Update plane of Arequipa city

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Rivero, Bustamante, Jose Luis, Park, Social, J.c.mariategui, Mateo pumacahua, Hypolite unanue, Park, From San Agustin, La Salle, National University, Jose galvez, Jose antonio de sucre, Jr. Andres avelino caceres, Huarango ravine, heart, of Jesus, Javier heraud, Juan velazco alvarado, J.p. Vizcardo guzman, High of the moon, Andres a. Caceres, J.a. From sucre, A.p.i.a.a., Uchumayo, The miracles, beautiful view, Yura, A.p.i.a., P.i.p., The altiplano, Jose abelardo quinonez, Hunter, school, Max uhle, HE., free area, Mother of God, Pips, factory, Duraflex, ink, My turkey, Commerce, Manuel, sports, Alfonso Ugarte, C. and. B., Prolg. Pachitea, Micaela bastidas, February, Maria snow, sector, Micaela bastidas, Jose santos, appeared, closed the, Fatima, flowers, Atahualpa, Tupac amaru, I live, the towers, the victory, Mariscal castilla, Yanahuara, Red hill, market, Church santiago apostol, Villalobos ampuero, Dry river industrial park, Beech tower, Tiabaya, Park, Sebastian, Ugarte, Orchard, Park, E.g., Orchard, municipal, pool, Prolong. Huascar, stadium, municipal, EC., All, Raymundo, Park, V. to. Beautiful side, Orchard, Orchard, M. Grade, Jr., low, Patasagua, Miguel Grade, North cone village, Tiabaya, The pits, Industrial center, Municipal city, Republican guard, Monserrat, Heroes of the brena, United farmers, Jose luis bustamante rivero, The employees, The dawn strikes, Villa aviation, Eduardo de la pinela, The road workers, Sachaca, Park, school, Amazon, Colombia, Jiron las, Jiron the floral, The carnations, Park, E.g., Spain, Huamachuco, Atahualpa, progress, school, avenue, extension, Jose santos, shred, progress, M.p. From bellido, Mantaro, Putumayo, Union avenue, countryside, Portugal, Belen, Misti, applications, others, childish, Park, M. Grade, av. Mariano Melgar, Callao, childish, garden, aviation, Wing wing, F.a., Castile, ranch, Mark, Buenos Aires, Cajamarca, Puerto maldonado, complex, sports, av. of July, The magnolias, the roses, Pto. Bad guy, church, orchard, Leticia, Lampa, Moon, Avenue the incas, Castile, center, av. the Incas, school, parochial, independence, post, market, Park, Social, local, Cajamarca, I love you, Ica, I love you, Ancash, Junin, pond, Pque, health, market, local, Social, EC., P.n., childish, garden, Zonal market, Virgin of the, Candelaria, Park, Junin, passage, post, initial, EC., Park, Piura, Lambayeque, God, ranch, The banks, educational, center, Iquitos, Ancash, freedom, The magnolias, Avenue brazil, Jiron mantaro, Arequipa Avenue, Psje, To melt, Street, Richard, palm, orchard, Marian, P. N. R., Tarapaca, green, area, communal, area, center, educational, of August, Lame, culture, market, Apurimac, mother, Amazon, Iquitos, American, You lie, third, Ricardo palma, Avenue progress, Park, of May, Jiron cahuide, Avenue peru, E.g., sports, countryside, Bricklayer, of May, farm, Civic, square, Pje of July, of August, public, Park, public, EC. independence, Military region, Wanders, Psj. Junin, Salaverry, sports field, Park, F.c.m.p., Psj. Moquegua, Jhon kennedy, Arequipa, Metropylitane, Camal, Sunad, Salaverry, EC., sports, complex, Senior customs, Avenue progress, Yura road, Third military region, av. progress, Farmland, chapel, school, sports, center, Amazon, Tacna, Park, applications, social, F.c.m.p., Park, center, Park, F.c.m.p., educational, Psj. victory, tannery, cemetery, crops, Park, Griffin the geraniums, crops, school, Salaverry, San Martin, Simon Bolivar, George, Chavez, J. Olaya, Alfonso, Ugarte, independence, Ramon castilla, Trujillo, medical post, crops, progress, Orchard, Meneses, Arica, pool, crops, EC. Mariano Valdivia, Jose olaya, George, Chavez, Barracks To melt, colon, Fco. Mostajo, crops, Coca cola factory, av. Hipolito s, Florida, crops, Shrimp pampas, airport, Alipio ponce, High freedom, Magisterial villa, Fco.garcia calderon, High victoria, Big tinge, Pachacutec, Semi rural, dry river, Andres avelino caceres, Villa las canteras, Santa Maria, The dawn, the Savior, Wholesale market workers, Villa san juan, Huaranguillo, Sister of the Angels, Cayman, The beatas, Cartodromo, to. green, Chemical society, industrial, V. F., Raymondi, Maria nieves bustamante, Manuel Aguirre, Francisco ibanez, Morales de rivera, Abelardo quinones, Chublo, Park, transportation, Mateo ii, Don, Urubamba, Cayman shopping center, the orchids, Residential complex, av. of July, Vicente, Micaela bastidas, Honorio, Gral. the sea, To the dogs, M. grandchild, Pierola, Jiron bolivar, Gral san martin, primary, good view, glory, high, The mistician, The bridge, Saint Cecilia, San antonio, the looker, Beautiful horizon, The fallows, Jorge chavez, industrial park, The carmen, The grove, magisterial, The willows

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Other
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Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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    July 19, 2017

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