Plane San Miguel De Tucuman City DWG Block for AutoCAD




Plane San Miguel de Tucuman City where you can see axonometric of some emblematic buildings. (Author / anonymous / s)

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

graphic scale, rondeau, gral. s. Bolivar j. lavalle, gral. to. from lamadrid, gral. j. m. peace, the stones, san lorenzo, c. alvarez, san martin, mendoza, cordoba, san juan, santiago, currents, marcos paz, santa fe, suipacha, san luis, m. avellaneda, bernabe araoz, catamarca, la rioja, jumps, jujuy, bat. junin, ayacucho, bat. maipu, chacabuco, dolls, buenos aires, n. laprida, congress, rivadavia, las heras, monteagudo, entre rios, s. balcarce, brown, j. colombres, j. b. alberdi, av. Saenz pena, av. german, av. jump, av. avellaneda, av. miter, av. Sarmiento, Don Bosco, Pje. j. molina, av. mate de luna, av. belgrano, av. gdor del campo, lopez y planes, raul colombres, alvarez condarco, oath, spain, italy, uruguay, chile, bolivia, pje. zuviria, pje. garcia, pje. bordaberhe, united states, honduras, haiti, guatemala, cuba, a. jacques, pje. Rio de Janeiro, France, Av. benjamin araoz, ponds, santa cruz, diego garcia, jose engineers, f. ameghino, g. rawson, j. prebisch, pje. newbery, pje. t. padilla, river black, pje. r. coch, father monti, av. p. m. araoz, l. drago, diagonal anselmo red, pje. neuquen, alsina, pje. missions, land of fire, pje. vera, pje. diaz velez, pje. sgto gomez, o.s.n., m.t. of alvear, sta. cross, pje. cacique atahualpa, pje. and. carriego, pje. ob. trejo y sanabria, av. i. leguisamo, pcia. from formosa, rep. from syria, av. silvano bores, r. from san martin, av. of the proceres, av. brigido teran, pje. sorol, pje. from the circle, av. of immigrants, av. cnel. suarez, av. j. b. fair, gob. gutierrez, b. villafane, luis f. nougues, j. j. posse, j. de la vega, villarroel, chap. rooms and valdez, jose hernandez, estanislao del campo, r. obligated, r. Guiraldes, Martin Fierro, Pje. oncativo, pje. gardel, av. cnel suarez, pje. guayaquil, pje. ob. piedrabuena, pje. pizarro, pje. drum of tacuari, pje. Cerrito, Pje posadas, pje. padilla, pje. bertres, pje. v. sarfield, pje. dorrego, pje. saenz, pje. grimaux and galvez, pje. pasteur, marina alfaro, pje. b. lopez, lope de vega, pje. santillan, arroyo and pinedo, pje m. helper, asuncion, lucas cordoba, step of the andes, alberti, pje. F. cold, pje ruben dario, j. thames, amador lucero, matienzo, pellegrini, pje. garibaldi, cold silva, pje. p. groussac, freedom, pje cervantes, prospero mena, pje. centenary, miguel lillo, pje poland, chiclana, av. colon, b. aguirre, m. m. guemes, pueyrredon, pje. neighborhood, pje. sarratea, castelli, saaavedra, m. cane, av. Army of the North, j. j. step, pje. roma, pje. greece, pje. burmeister, pje. uriarte, pje. of the valley, gurruchaga, pje. millan, san miguel, pje. gaboto, pje. ituzaingo, pje chaves de laguna, pje. p. from melo, pje. g. alfaro, pje. j. to. from sandy areas, m. Alberti, thames, pje. cnel. murga, pje. larreta, saavedra, l. m. gutierrez, pje. and. from luca, pje. rizzoto, pje. of the races, ambrosio nougues, pje. b. from o’higgins, m. rodriguez, baltasar aguirre, m. m. of guemes, pje. boedo, pje. to. garcia, pje. g. to. becquer, pje. and. lopez, pje. j. j. de vera and aragon, pje. canada, pje. fray perez, bco province, from tucuman, tucuman-famailla highway, school, national, urquiza plaza, plaza alberdi, f.f.c.c., bartolome miter, law school, spanish society, mail and tecomunic., cultural center u.n.t., flavio e. virla, church and convent, of san francisco, direction of rents, of the province, bco. mortgage, telephone exchange, cto. cult l. rougues, casa de la, independence, alberdi library, basilica de, sto. Sunday,, museum prov., b. arts, room-cradle, square irigoyen, courts, u.n.t. central house, and rector, public assistance, house of culture, orestes caviglia, theater, alberdi, car club, argentinian, manuel belgrano, maternity, esc. of agriculture, of the unt, park avellaneda, cemetery of the west, college of, sisters slaves, hospital padilla, plaza belgrano, ex-hospital santillan, plaza san martin, plaza rivadavia, hospital, children, university locations unt, el rosedal , house of the bishop, colombres, lake san miguel, unt fac. philosophy and letters, dentistry, municipal camping, municipal autodromo, light source, direction of culture, municipal, playground, municipal hypodromo, new station, bus terminal, u.n.t. school of physical education, terminal, bus, san cristobal station, square dorrego, square miter, barracks, military high school, gregorio araoz de lamadrid, international airport, benjamin matienzo, bo. the crossing, street of, drunken sticks, banana trees, street tube, characteristic of, princ. of century, limit of, bo. forest, bo. citadel, villa lujan, bo. the forest, bo. garden, villa german, bo. south, villa urquiza, bo. north, bo. bishop, piedrabuena, cardinals, rugby club, federal shooting, lynx rugby, club, club argentinos, north, club swimming, and gymnastics, home of, minors, church, bo. san martin, former airport, agricultural home, conceptionist parents, complex, belgrano, guillermina, oficin

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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