Plano De Las Lomas Piura DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

las lomas, district of lancones, province of, sullana, district of tambogrande, arteza, stone cross, the ferris wheel, the meetings of, pigeons, rinconada de pichones, bocana, cacaturo, san miguel yuscay, fco. bolognesi, yuscay bajo, fco. bolognesi alto, cantagallo, pigeons alto, rinconada de pelingara, pelingara, san francisco yuscay, the fall, center service, partidor, new hope, santa elena, barrio libre, viviano espinoza, new maray, cury, via independent, new santa rosa, Juan Velasco, Alvarado, Pan-American North, to yours, Rio, Chipillico, Bocana, Yuscay, Canal, Tablazo, Can, Canal Weavers, Canal Tambogrande, to Sullana, San Francisco, District of yours, Paimas District, Sapillica District, las peñitas, pampaelera, baja, pampa el zapote, new town of, pampa elera alta, willow, potrerillo, new town, mount los olivos, tongal, el tunel, totoral alto, san francisco de, panpa elera, monte verde, scribble , the mint, the higueria, algarrobal, huachuma, alta, pulache door, san miguel, tunnel culqui, totoral, chipi, llico, cer, ezal, reservoir, san lorenzo, las lomas district, las lomas district, de chipillico, plaza , market, being united we will be strong, jr. francisco burneo, jr. leoncio prado, jr. alfonso ugarte, jr. Miguel Grau, Jr. francisco bolognesi, avenue, salty creek, pmi, terrestrial terminal, cooperative of special services, association of small farmers, jaguay ravine of bypas, benjamin red rivers, jaguay de pavas stream, cattle service special cooperative pichones las lomas – highway old to ayabaca of by means, cooperative of special services cattle pigeons the lomas, pigeons cattle lomas, cooperative of special services cattle pigeons the lomas quebrada salty of by means, of the cacaturo sector, road to the hills, channel of irrigation, institutional place yuscay irrigators commission, section aa, lp, limit, section bb, park, section cc, section dd, section ee, section ff, road sections, section a’-a ‘, section c’-c’, section d ‘ -d ‘, section b’-b’, section e’-e ‘, section g’-g’, section h’-h ‘, via channel, section i’-i’, section j’-j ‘, section k’-k ‘, section l’-l’, section m’-m ‘, section n’-n’, section o ‘-o’, section f’-f ‘, section ñ’-ñ’, park, church, jr. the proceres, jiron nomad, commerce, jr. freedom, psj. san jose, psj. san juan, psj. santa maria, green area, psj. santa lucia, psj. san martin, psj. mercedes, association samuel more ludeña, jr. the margaritas, jr. the cucardas, jr. the palm trees, jr. the sunflowers, jr. the amancay, jr. the poppies, jr. the papers, jr. the overales, jr. the carob trees, jr. the almonds, expansion of the aa. H H. miraflores, carmen ibañez, ruben rooster, bathrobe frame, wilmer lachira, ex house, house, sub, crusher, geraniums, jasmine, carrots, street, senasa, platform, jr. san carranco, jr. loreto, evangel., rest., broken, road, station, antenna, mining, Pan-American Highway, jr. cuzco, jr. ica, Pan-American, jr. amazonas, jr. the laurels, educational institution, health center, school, educational center, productive technician, corridor, hacienda, sor.veronica, santa rosa, miraflores, nva hope, campo santo, suipira, buenos aires, santa isabel, town center, juan velasco alvarado, bylayer, byblock, global, jr. trujillo, jr. arequipa, jr. Lima, jr. tacna, jr. ayacucho, serv. communal, risk area, jr. tupac amaru, area of ​​the general direction, and rural settlement, of agrarian reform, jr. the carnations, education, serv. of health, Pan-American to yours, jr. June eleven, psje. junin, jr. jose olaya, jr. salomon sancarranco, jr. puno, area of ​​the general direction of agrarian reform, other uses, sports area, jr. the chavelas, jr. the geraniums, jr. the dahlias, jr. the orchids, sector santa isabel, jr. the conquerors, psje. mazamari, psje. liberators, psje. manuel vega, communal services, jr. cajamarca – jr ayabaca, jr. martin gods towers, jr. cajamarca, psje. Peace, a.h. neighborhood council, buenos aires sector, psje. moquegua, psje. holy field, jr. peru, jr. tumbes, jr. rokovich, aa. H H. santa rosa, aa. H H. miraflores, aa. H H. suipirá, aa. H H. new hope, aa. H H. santa Isabel, sports field, municipal, aa. H H. neighborhood council, cemetery, sports practice area, municipal palace, church – cathedral, aa. H H. bellavista, tecnologico, pluvial drain, jr. red bouquets, jr. fermin ruiz, jr lucio ortiz, jiron apurimac, jr. iquitos, jr. piura, barracks, good air, rice pill, sports, jr. caracuchos, hacienda house, quebrada, jr. bellavista, jr. the pilgrims, jr. amaro rivera – jr.moquegua, treatment plant, quebradilla, road, municipal camal, sanitary landfill, water -sedapiura, room, sacrifice, corral, small livestock, big cattle, joel merino, filomeno peña, psje manuel vega, elis franco merino farfan, paulo solano, miguel angel, camacho

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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    March 15, 2018

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