Plat Bellavista DWG Block for AutoCAD




Planimetry – parcel – Full

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

peace training center parish san pedro el pescador, association of merchants san pedro city fisherman, social club retired fishermen of callao, c.e.i.p my first steps, school, market san pedro, san pedro school, c.e.i. the little prince, benefits box and social security of the social policlinico fisherman callao, bellavista health center, san pedro school, naval hospital, pilsen callao manufactures, bellavista shopping center, wool factory negotiation pernera of la peru, san paul church, shop, housing complex, parking lot, municipal swimming pool, parish, benefits box and fisherman social security management zonal-callao cbssp, technological institute simon bolivar, electric station, vacuum, market, the pacific, popular market, church, cordelica, school dario arruz, hostel, san antonio special school, colonial market, home of children san antonio inabif, pilsen callao beer factory, bellavista shopping center, jose olaya market merchants association, telefonica, adventist church, ceigne sta ana, cenecape c.e.o. Our Lady of Mercy, Christian Movement Church, c.e.p., c.e.p, c.e.i, c.e.o.p., toyopack workshop, c.e.i.p., nest garden el arrullito, c.e. jesus de nazareth, hostal hawai, church of jesus christ of the saints of the last days, c.e.i.p my little happy steps, c.e.p. laura vicuna, c.e.i.p, national school dora mayer, notary fields, bank wiesse, c.e.o, association of owners and residents of the urb. san jose, school sta. cross, delfina hostel, stadium miguel grau, tap, service station, mediterranean chikent, c.e. john f kennedy, manufactures cold industry servis, curator p.n.p. callao, policlinico san juan, c.e. p.n.p. Juan benites moon, coliseum under construction, coliseum, general meadow school, callao national school, c.e.i. eternal father, transports huron, i.p.s., hospital daniel a. carrion, c.e. Pan-American, c.e. francisco left rios, america school, factory, cent. of educ. super. san antonio, mini market super beef, c.e. Juan Pablo I, British Cemetery, Daniel Hospital a. carrion, i.p.s, local upp, alley, tint factory. and finished., fifth, fifth santa Isabel, bellavista cinema, evang church. baptist, mechanic spine, municipality of bellavista, restaurant, c.e.sup., deposit, notary, g m servis sedapal, church alliance christian, c.e.i. jose antonio, health laboratory, institute, bishopric, educational center j.washinton, cent. private health, white and n. sports club, saloom square, isabel la catholic park, orquideas park, daniel woll duran park, colonel gambeta park, miguel grau park, inca park garcilazo de la vega, amelia davila park, americas park, Santa Cecilia Park, ca. quiroz, av. beech of the tower, ca. cross, ca. palaces, ca. n, ca. Sabogal, ca. bonnemaison, av. Santa Rosa, ca. Riestra Valley, ca. j, ca. m, ca. k, ca. and. marquez, ca. striped, ca. caceres, av. colonial, ca. j. parodi, ca. h, ca. g, ca. j. lizarbe, ca. j. smith de carrillo, ca. Lucho Reyes, ca. lucho reyes, av. venezuela, ca. j, av. Victor Raul Hay from the Tower, ca. Ricardo Palm, ca. the ficus, ca. the jacarandas, ca. Nightingales, ca. max radiaguetti, ca. the cedars, psje. no name, ca. condamine, ca. Garcia, ca. speziani, ca. no name, ca. impett, av. San Jose, CA. Juan Salcedo, ca. Eagles, ca. the condors, ca. cosme and good, ca. m. zamora, ca. the ostriches, av. elmer faucett, ca. swans, av. of the insurgents, ca. the pelicans, ca. pines, ca. the geraniums, ca. the olive trees, ca. the willows, ca. the oaks, ca. chrysanthemums, ca. the amancaes, ca. bellavista, ca. reeds, ca. chinchorros, ca. the tipas, ca. the tipas, psje. the procion, ca. the reedbeds, ca. cesar vallejo, ca. zapatel, ca. paulet, ca. Garcilaso de la Vega, ca. borda, ca. Garcia Calderon, ca. Miguel Baquero, ca. and. mountains, ca. Pedro Peralta, psje. ordons, ca. g. from the vega, ca. jose santos chocano, ca. j. santos chocano, ca. Toribio Zavala, ca. abel gabindez, psj. no name, ca. Ferreyros, ca. Hawks, ca. Campania, ca. Pedro Donofrio, ca. donofrio, psje. castanet, ca. July tello, ca. valdizan, ca. Sebastian Barranca, ca. Ginocchio, ca. batilfora, ca. angel arista, ca. angel edges, ca. Pedro Ruiz, ca.max radiaguetti, ca. Raimondi, ca. good cosme, ca. humbolt, ca. h. unanue, ca. beloved f. frezier, ca. luis godin, ca. stolen, ca. ciro alegria, ca. the flamingos, ca.las gulls, ca. seagulls, ca. the herons, ca. the blackbirds, ca. Kingfishers, ca. Cranes, ca. the calenders, ca. the skylarks, ca. the swallows, ca. toucans, ca. the bells, ca. Thrushes, ca. thrushes, ca. oropendolas, ca. Hawks, ca. pheasants, ca. the roses, ca. orchids, ca. the tuberose, ca. mallows, ca. Lilacs, ca. mother jungles, ca. Jasmine, ca. Dahlias, ca. the cucardas, psje. e, ca. the alhelies, psje. j, ca. eucalyptus, ca. Laurels, ca. violets, psje. Walnuts, ca. nogale

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
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Building Features Garden / Park, Pool, Parking
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