Public Sewer Network DWG Block for AutoCAD




Is a constructive solution presented to the waterworks company, to benefit families a 300.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Psje. The dominians, Av.gabriela mistral, The Trappists, Road tolten, Caupolican, Pedro leon, Southern cock, passage, Pedro leon gallo sur, from January, Caupolican, Eleuterio ramirez, Muds, sports field, Manuel Rodriguez, Andres bello, Vicuña mackenna, Michimalonco, Lautaro, of April, Dimas tapia, Eusebio lillo, of May, Caupolican, Eleuterio ramirez, Muds, Francisco bilbao, Jose Manuel Balmaceda, Gronow, Pedro leon gallo sur, Andres bello, Mackenna, of April, from January, February, Eleuterio ramirez, Bernardo o’higgins, Jose miguel carrera, J.a. Palazuelos, Av.gabriela mistral, Whitewashed white, Jose miguel carrera, Muds, Francisco bilbao, Jose Manuel Balmaceda, Gronow, Bernardo o’higgins, Francisco bilbao, station, Of railways, Square of, the heroes, J.a. Palazuelos, Manuel Rodriguez, February, Casanova, Isabel riquelme, The carmelite, Gabriela Mistral, Mother jacinta, Muds, Juanita aguirre, Pedro leon gallo sur, Rio quinque, Rio donguil, Cautin river, The notros, The coigues, The hazelnuts, Isabel riquelme, Father stolen, Sta. Bernardo, Stony river, Street all saints, Laura vicuña ticket, San mateo passage, San lucas ticket, Street father alberto hurtado, San sebastian passage, cut, Volcan villarrica passage, Volcan lanin street, Volcan street lonquimay, Volcan tolhuaca street, Volcan llaima passage, C.i. No, Psje. The dominians, Accumulated, Ref:, Earring diameter, Distances, Quotas, Partial, Flush, Radier, Excavations, capacity, portage, design, Pipe type, longitudinal, Esc., profile, Pvc, pipe, C.i. No, New street, Take out, Matrix ap ex., Pvc mm., Mod. From radier, plant, Note: the lid is conical, D. Inf., D. Sup, Galv. Mm., Circular cover detail, Autogena., electric welding, Height left, For flooring., cut, Mm., scale, Feet of, Disk welded to the tube, The ends of two, Perpendicular diameters., Pallet ring, Concrete of, Long placed in, detail, scale, mesh, Mm, Pallet ring, Galvanized pipe, Mesh mm, Iron disk, Mm. of thickness, diameter, Welded to the tube., Diameter mm., detail, Slab of the camera, pavement, height, Left, for, chimney., In case it exists, Feet mm., Perpendicular diameters., Welded at the ends of, Are considered an adhesion bridge according to what, You should consider a concrete with waterproofing additive, Sika technically equivalent., Welded steel, In concrete with mesh central mesh, Have a slab. The slab must be cm thick, Based on low soils should be, All the sidewalks in areas with presence of, slab, Waterproofing, With additive, Indicated in ETH., bridge, adherence, welded Mesh, cut, Camera type detail, note:, In area with presence of nap, Waterproofing, elevation, Hvar, With additive, Smoothed stucco, Cm., Roadway level, Waterproofing, Concrete dump, With additive, Villa progress, Prolong. passage, Ml., Pvc pipe mm., C., C.t., C.i., C.r.d, C., C.t., C.i., C.r.d, C., C.t., C.i., C.r.d, C., C.t., C.i., C.r.d, Ml., Pvc pipe mm., Ml., Pvc pipe mm., Ml., Lateral pvc mm., Ml., Pvc pipe mm., Ml., Pvc pipe mm., Pje The dominians, Pje Franciscan, Ml., Lat. Pvc mm., Ml., cabbage. exists. Pvc mm., C.i. Exist., C., C.t., C.i. Exist., C.r.d, Ml., cabbage. exists. Pvc mm., Street, passage, green area, the., Carriageway adocretos, cabbage. ace., the., Projected, luminary, stage, Sponsored links, Trail committee salvador ii, The Trappists, Mat. A.p., C.i. Exist., AC., Alley rodriguez, Alley the trappers, Psje. The dominians, Psje. Franciscan, cut, pipe, Pvc ti mm., Pvc you, cabbage. ace., Mat. A.p., Pvc, Colec.exist., Pvc, AC., C.i., pipe, Pvc ti mm., C.r.s, C.i. Exist., AC., C.r.e., C.r.s, C.i., AC., C.r.s, Inspection chamber type m., Roadway covers, Galvanized staircases, Trench excavation, summary, Connection for villa progress, Plant location, Esc., Network extension. The dominians, Sewage system, Pvc you, Plumbing box, diameter, material, class, Existing camera, Existing sewerage chamber, Lengths, supply, install, tree, Road pavement, Reset break, Existing pipe, Projected pipe, sidewalk, post, Symbology, Projected inspection chamber, plant, Esc., Radier, kind, pipe, total, Channel, camera, diameter, total, road, chimney, body, Heights, Number of, kind, Stairs, top, Camera box, Inspection chamber type m., Trench excavation, Bed support for pipes, Trench excavation, magenta, color, green., blue, do you copy, Cyan:, yellow:, White:, scale, Red:, color, White, Built collectors, Summary table, Pvc, Mts., Uv pvc, U.d built cameras, Type camera, Location, Location box installed pipes, underground, Under floor, total, description, Pvc, class, According to soil type, Iii, kind, soft, Semidur

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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