Regulatory Plan Of El Alto – La Paz DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Natural physical map of El Alto City – La Paz

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

The Andes, milluni reservoir, lagoon hope, lago sene kkota, ingavi, laja, laja road, I dry out, rio san roque, viacha, road viacha, ff. DC., road oruro, dry river, ff. DC., road juan pablo ii, rio hilaque, rio sorechata, dry river, rio san roque, rio huayna potosi, chojla jipina river, I dry out, rio pampasi, jurikkota lake, sisthana lakes, wichu lagoon kkota, chiarkkota lake, khao khao lake, tuni reservoir, sora kkota lagoon, Hampaturi reservoir, ajk lago kkota, villa remedios, I laughed peace, river of peace, rio huanajahuira, rio jillusaya, kellhuani lagoon, laguna jankho kkota, Paw pond, laguna ventanani, laguna chacaltaya, laramkkota lagoon, rio orkojahuira, rio choqueyapu, incachaca reservoir, rio kaluyo, Achumani River, rio wila pampa, rio palca, rio jankho kahua, laguna chojna kkota, lagoon jachachasipi, rio palcoma, zongo, rio zongo, Huayna Potosi, rio livinosa, laguna jankho kkota, urb. new assumption, of August, v. tunari, valimania, v.sanluis zongo, v.cosmos, v.san luis pampa, of May, friendly chaco, district, urb. crystal, district, Panamerican’s highway, I dry out, urb. franz tamayo, laja, highway, rio san roque, I dry out, ingenuity, villa wit dist, dry river di., March, star, from belen, dry river, urb., new, brand, tunari annex, v. mussels, urb., copacabana, urb. Pan American, urb. mariscal sucre, san jose de, I do not care, v. I do not care, urb., from padilla, February, dry river di., tahuantinsuyo, adela, v. garden, vadeo, February, urb., of June, inti, v. esther, St nicolas, b. armhole, municipal, urb., nativity, urb.illampu, to cease august, vain, you will be able to, you love god, paradise, of July, freedom, urb., Calama, Mercedarian, Jesus of, Nazareth, San Agustin, cosmos, urb., quiswaras, urb., urb. marcelina, district, vadeo, I do not care, juana azurduy, Pedro, d. m., rio san roque, new, san antonio, dawn, urb., urb. Progress, urb., lord of lagoons, of April, urb., great power, urb., san felipe de seque, urb., Mercedarian, dry river, urb. Baptist saavedra, district, urb., of June, cute, urb. neighborhood, of May, charapaqui ii, San Juan, neighborhood, factories, colorid, urb., v. tilata, thanks, urb. the, posts, south, factories, urb., cross of, private, prop., new, dawn, murillo, I was tired, private, prop., road viacha, urb. sajama, urb., candelaria, urb. the, parcopata, urb., sun parcopata, urb., copacabana, urb. Santa Fe, the kantutas, urb. the candelaria, urb. crockery, urb. mururata, charapaqui, v.romero pampa, main street arturo vergara, Obs. gregorio fco. fields, industries deer, leon street of the bar, street l alcoreza, street ricardo bustamante, vanguard street, street eduardo abaroa, av. United Nations, street h. quijarra, San Martin de Porres, inca llojeta, cotahuma, highway, oruro, street crisostomo carrillo, av chacaltaya, street mariano terraces, motorway the peace the high, street alonzo ramos gavilan, street crisostomo carrillo, street tte. cnel. emilio delgadillo, calle jose pintado, street alonzo ramos gavilan, street eusebio gutierrez, street crisostomo carrillo, calle lizardo montero, street saturnino burgos, av chacaltaya, street eusebio gutierrez, carvajal bridge street, sonatex sa yarn factory, pedro marban street, street tte. cnel. emilio delgadillo, street acquiles vergara, street tnte. zenon rivers, street r. avaroa

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Plastic
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 27, 2017

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