Restaurant DWG Section for AutoCAD




Architectonic plant – Sections, elevations, location,Needs program and some about tropical architecture

program and some about tropical architecture

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale, arq. diana la paix, architectural, plant, restaurant, student :, deudy ant. santana mejia, location :, project :, conv, tis, imp, enrollment :, basic architectural design v, subject:, north, faculty, engineering and architecture, expendable, seafood, meat, vegetables, cellar, food, sections, elevations, lateral facade dececho, front facade, rear facade, public parking, parking employees, tables inside, tables outside, waiting bar, outdoor smoking tables, kitchen, grocery store or pantry, public toilets, health employees, administration, custodians, cleaning, loading and unloading, linen, electric plant, garbage, incinerator, storage of expendable material, cistern, cargo access, nesecidades program, tropical architecture, kitchen, ladies baths, gentleman baths, administration, lobby, bar, terrace, smoking terrace, area diners, loading and unloading area, consegeria, shower-vestiodr, lockers, cidron, robert schomburk, area, ravelo, alma, l de ovando, santiago, josefa, cervantes, cevanles, socor ro, cayetano, pedro, av, gazcue, moya, castro, ramirez, bellas, ortega, pte h irigoyen, benign, san, geronimo, agricola, bank, pineyro, george, washington, san, padre, fiallo, bartolomi, mure, esoracing, paulo iii, candida, mater, prof, de llerena, acerez, noboa, filomeno, joseued, miter, dr., cristoball, alfonseca, elvira, desiderio, tomas, wenceslao, alvarez, salk, red, july, pina, jonas , mendoza, cabral, valverde, jose, santana, ave. sto, ram, juan, sanchez, mahatma, moncion, ens, independence, arts, ma., heredia, urdaneta, uroanrt, benito, espaillat, gandhi, rodriguez, boill, sadhala, hotels, jaragua and sheraton, independence, read, spring , perez, deligne, casimiro, vicini, felix, cruiser, pasteur, ahrenz, lluberes, lomaton, osv, baez, danae, lic, aguedita, t. ricart, max, mejia, oaks, cotes, nicolas, car, eugznio, bolivar, los, rogues, gral, callei, penson, marchena, gomez, baltazar, brum, cagra, carvajal, navarao, del, caonabo, casra, perdomo , monte, cesar, mexico, juarez, hquez, leopoldo, hnos, jimenez, rp., moises, garcia, godoy, uasd, landmarks of importance, caribbean sea, location, location

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Parking
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