Road – Longitudinal Profile DWG Full Project for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

observation :, title :, heading :, date of dig., observation, act of registration :, dismemberment, c.p. tate, c.p. pachacutec, c.p. lujaraja, subdivision, mptl, with digital, mod. area by independence, independence, area, reserved, water and sewer, services, third, property of, do not pass by cadastre-graficado with coordinates, do not pass through the area of ​​cadastre, inmatriculacion, mod. by subdivision, I do not pass through cadastre, park, do not pass cadastre, servitude, area modification, dismemberment, do not pass through the cadastre area, desmenbración, accumulation, c.p. tate lujaraja sector, right of way, registration of possession, rectification of area, step by cadastre, Tajahuana estate, preventive annotation of independence, preventive annotation of acquisition of domain, possession, domain predatory annotation, ca. the achirana, ca. mariano cahua, av. pachacutec, ca. huayna capac, ca. atahualpa, ca. Maria stopped of Bellido, Av. tupac amaru, ca. Sebastian Barranca, ca. ramon castilla, valdelomar, ca. abraham, av. Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, ca. jose rodriguez de mendoza, channel achirana, ca. Abraham Valdelomar, ca. Juan Jose Salas, Av. Jose de la Torre Ugarte, ca. Mariano Melgar, ca. hipolito unanue, av. jose matias manzanilla, ca. jose galvez, ca. micaela bastides, ca. daniel alcides carrion, ca. Jorge Chavez, ca. Catalina buendia breast, ca. Jose de San Martin, ca. mateo pumacahua, ca. jose olaya, ca. Francisco de Zela, ca. manco capac, passage b, passage c, passage a, passage d, ca. the mendoza, south pan-American, channel the toledo, sports area, av. main, communal service, preventive annotation, agree, rectification of area, duplicited, prediotajahuana, to rebuild, fdo. the Pampa, awarded to the Cau Sanchez Cerro, PSJE. hawthorn, psje. benavides, psje. bouquets, ca. real road, independización., street the tipiana, prolon. catalina buendia de pecho, the pampita, fundo tajahuana, adjudication by expropriation, several, adjudication, populated center tate, c.p. the mendozas, c.p. dry huacachina, c.p. Camino Real, pp and ptl, c.p. the jungle, pp-ptl, the guava, farm daniel, the cottage, estate doña irma, estate el suche, soniche remnant, soniche a, soniche b, soniche c, soniche d, independizaciones, yapanosa estate, yapanoso estate, the piano, San Agustin farm, Santo Domingo farm, pozo farm, palm farm, conca farm, estate, purilla farm, blood farm, jewel farm, spike farm, old vineyard estate, mazurana farm, old vineyard estate, the alley, low san agustin farm, huayabo farm, huaca farm, san juan farm, cucumber farm, tipiana farm, hawthorn farm, sabina farm, juan pablo farm, orange farm, pacae farm, alvilla farm, land the grapefruit, mango estate, farm the field, land the ditch, estate, orange, land the bucket, land the plot, orange farm, loft property, land the garden and orchard, land isabel sta, camellon estate, I build the attic, I offer the descent, mendoza property, barley estate, the fig tree estate, the vineyard property, fig tree farm, the fig trees, the fever farm, tacaraca farm, giraldo estate, the chinchana farm, the hawthills estate, pacay farm, the pacaes farm, the pacay farm, esta esta rosa , land cabanita, herrera estate, monterrey estate, the pigeon farm, estate rose, farm but, the furnace, the cumbia, ricardo cabrera, cherry, fig farm, chirimoyo, chirimoyo, hot , farm alfalfa, land to the span, jimenez property, camellon estate, estate ascencio, estate bouquets, Mayuri estate, San Antonio, estate the five lines, property the break, farm the mango, cabrera estate, rosary, estate moquillaza, the premises, the estate Juan Purilla, the blade, the census ii, matrix modification, Maria Maria Hernandez estate, Maria Hernandez II farm, large vineyard, laurel farm, big pond, farm mangos, farm s peros, maureal estate, sweet potato farm, plantain farm, farm plot, the b-descent, the house, the tunos farm, carhuayo farm, nova farm, the beach, farm rock, site the pisco, farm peru, land the but i, the jayo estate, the jayo estate, census luren ii estate, luren iii census plot, hacienda mendoza estate, the vineyard property, vicente estate, uncle pancho farm, sugarcane farm, sugarcane and porongo estate, farm planted, lucumo estate, pacae estate, guallabo estate, demenbracion, rectification of area., observed., conform., servitude., observed, observed. bad picture of coordinates utm., observed. displaced., conforming – remnant, conformal – independent, servitude area, sub. and ind. urb., servitude., cam. use – rect. area, right-of-way, observed- is already subdivided., servitude, passage of common use, psj. common use, common passage,

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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