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Sanitary 2D DWG Block for AutoCAD

The file has a description of all kinds of sanitary appliances in the front and side view of plant .. is necessary because it has a lot of variety of devices that are also specified with its action

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Esc., Consider a minimum of, Esc., Recommended minimum distance, Point of, Water, Of drainage, Drain fitting, Water, Point of, Point of, Water, Heigh, Water, Point of, Recommended distance between, Rapid jet toilet, Point of, Water, New lavatory fontana, Minimum recommended distance, Toilet siphon jet, Spring wash, Odorless top piece, Bidet top piece, Point of, Water, One piece acquajet, Lavatory acquabell, Bidet acquajet, Lav. Ovalin maxbell, Lav. Ovalin sonnet, Lav. Ovalin ceralux, Lav. Ovalin ceralux flower, Odorless flush, Milenium cup, Turkish mug, Laundry amazon, Odorless baby, Cadet urine, Lav. Ovalin minbell, Toilets, Washbasins, Bidets, line, Acquajet, Top piece, line, Sifonjet, line, Rapidjet, line, others, Ovalines, cups, Urinals, laundry, Point of, Water, Point of, Water, Point of, Water, Trap built-in., Uses angular fluxometric valve, New urinal bambi, Cod., Urinal bambi, Urinal academy, Is supplied with shaft, paper bin, accessories, Double hook, Towel rack, Without soap, With soap dish, Dishwasher small, Large dishwasher, Water, Point of, Malibu washbasin, Lavatory advance, One piece advance, line, Advance, Point of, Water, later, elevation, side, plant, Lavatory ancon, plant, elevation, side, Point of, Water, Bidet acquajet, Of drainage, Rapid jet flux cup

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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