Sanitary Sewer Zihuateutla DWG Block for AutoCAD

sewerage network in the town of Zihuateutla, located in the Municipality of Zihuateutla, Pue.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Project data, Sanitary sewer construction, Population, Project ion, density, population, Ineal, endowment, (I.e., Coefficient of, Length of the, system of, ….., speed, Minimal, speed, Maximum, Project expenses, Medi, minimum, maximum, Inst., Maximum ext., Forecast coefficient, Hab., Hab, Lts, day, Hab., Project data, Sanitary sewer construction, Population, Project ion, density, population, Ineal, endowment, (I.e., Coefficient of, Length of the, system of, ….., speed, Minimal, speed, Maximum, Project expenses, Medi, minimum, maximum, Inst., Maximum ext., Forecast coefficient, Hab., Hab, Lts, day, Hab., Lts, day, separated, Sec., Sec., Manning harmon, Lts, Lts, Sec., Lts, Sec., Lts, Sec., constructive section, From cm on the back of the tube., Body trial, In rural areas the filling is allowed, Alcant. sanitary:, Be of material product of the excavation, The filling of the rest of the must, Of compacted to the proctor., Product of free excavation, The embossed filler should be of material, The template must be of fine material, Location of pipelines in roads, dimensions, Proper ing. According to the conditions, When this is not possible, as you may consider, Levels with the water pipes, Of the road will have a preferred, Sanitary sewer pipes should be installed at the, Road, Of the project., unscaled, Cms., cut, Sanitary ware diameter, Sewage pipe, variable, template, variable, pipeline, The proctor, Harnessed, filling, Proctor, Compacted to, filling, unscaled., Dimensions in cms., Compacted to the proctor., Tamped, minimum, variable, variable, Flush, Quota of, manhole, All dimensions are in meters, Wall template, Max., Cast of, effluent, Influential, Influential, pavement, Elevation of, See detail of brocal tapa, Simple concrete foundation with waterproofing, Should be m. Below the natural terrain., Between the pipe and the mortar ring., Simple concrete ring, In areas not the level of the brocal fo cap. Fo., All concrete mortars should be made with, Visit with external mortar coating some other sealant, Pvc adapters must be used to connect the, Medium cane made of simple concrete up to, Integral up to m. On the back of the pipe, Stalks, effluent., Cement type ii, For influential pipelines., The axis of the effluent pipeline., Of m. Wide, With material in brena, template, Cut b ‘, Specifications, Simple concrete ring, Blind flap lid fo. Fo. Of kg. With caption cespm, Meters of mortar, Sand supply with integral waterproofing of two, Brick wall flattened interior mortar, Stabilization of template, Chamfers to the side, Top of the pipe, welded Mesh, Of caliber, diameter, Brocal cap fofo. Of grid, With hinges of kg., Kg. cap of, Plant cut, variable, Partition wall, cut, variable, Flattened with mortar, Cement with, Minimum thickness of cm., unscaled., For es, For es, Dimensions in cms., Notes:, Simple concrete, Decrease of pvc., variable, Simple concrete foundation with waterproofing, All dimensions are in meters, Cast of, Wall template, Should be m. Below the natural terrain., Integral up to m. On the back of the pipe, Pvc elbow astm, Fixing base of aluminum slab grinding, Visit with external mortar coating some other sealant, Between the pipe and the mortar ring., All concrete mortars should be made with, In areas not the level of the brocal fo cap. Fo., Simple concrete ring, Pvc adapters must be used to connect the, Cement type ii, For influential pipelines., Pvc sanitary tee astm, effluent., Stalks, Of m. Wide, Influential, Elevation of, pavement, Influential, See detail of brocal tapa, Simple concrete ring, Meters of mortar, Sand supply with integral waterproofing of two, Specifications, Blind flap lid fo. Fo. Of kg. With caption cespm, Brick wall flattened interior mortar, Chamfers to the side, Top of the pipe, Cut b ‘, With material in brena, Stabilization of template, diameter, welded Mesh, Of caliber, template, Asbestos reduction, Partition wall, Simple concrete, variable, Maximio, variable, Partition wall, Cut to ‘, variable, Flattened, Vars from, Steps with, Concrete crusher, cast iron, Glazed tube., Rammed, Access zihuateutla, Area for the foza, Mojonera, stairs, clinic, sewer, Shore road, Street children heroes, sewer, Fuck me, farm, church, school, Access zihuateutla, registry, court, Alber

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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