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Sanitation And Sewer System Latrines – Agua Santa Chumuch DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Horizontal datum provisional canoe, N.m., Rio chonta, Chontabamba, Huaca Ruiz, Paccha pampa, Potrerilla, the sand, stone, Bell, White, Orc, Signal collapses, Q. Quinoa, Q. Orange tree, Q. Muyoc, Q. Of blackberries, Q. alum, Mitopampa, Holy water, Q. alum, Yanacamcha, saffron, Chumush river, Rio marañon, Rio chalan, The ogoles, Q. Cranberries, Q. Chihuila, Q. Chimpampa, Q. Crop, La quihuila, The day before, Sands, Chilmar, Shucate, rush, The turns, Chachcoma, I love, Tie sign, Q. From chugur, Q. Of chemda, Rio san isidro, Sanchan, Q. San antonio, Q. Pottery, Q. Huamanchay, Rio llanga, Q. Katherine, Rio de la llanga, River count, Q. Tolon, Q. Congalpata, Little pooch, Q. Quinua, Q. Chanmach, sherry, Shaman, Pachachaca, Rio jadibamba, Jadibamba alta, Jadibamba low, Sombreruyoc, Huaca Cocha, stony, Pampa the cienegos, Queue sherry, the victory, Q. Grant, Q. From lluspioc, Lion’s claw, Send river river, Paltrum, Q. Chuyo, irrigation ditch, Q. Corralmayo, The southwest, Jingle Bell, Alupay, Rio Grande, Q. lemon, cairn, Huamangaga, Ferruyoc, Chaussures, Q. White jet, Q. Chugurmayo, Q. Huamu, Q. Chirimayo, Q. tent, Picot girl, Send river river, irrigation ditch, Q. Chaquimayo, Q. lily, Q. Mussels, Lª luchacocha, The girl, Lagoons, Large saddlebag, La rinconada, L caparrosi, Two colors, Milpo, Guaguayo sign, The mamacocha, The chaquicocha, Lta tacshana, big, Condororco, knoll, Picarfon, Boundary, Lazarus, Take off hat, Shuyto, Q. trap, Q. Utco, Q. Pottery, Q. Florence, Q. Dry, The tambo, Chaquille, Lanchipata, Huashac, Signal jeli, Q. Cantange, Q. Vigasmayo, Q. Chalhuayaca, Q. Sendamal, Q. Chanche, Q. Cotocuna, Q. San idelfonso, Q. Chalhuayaca, Q. Sumbat, the lake, Pigeon, Old majadah, Mountain range, Cumulates, Beams, Pampa, Purla, Crosscoat, Lettuce, Calconga, the mountain, future, Shambles, Trampayoc, Yanatotora, Jalca, Pachachaca, Lluni, Black cave, Chiriconga, The tambo, Q. sling, Q. Pachachaca, Q. Paccha, Q. Cushuro, Q. Totorilla, Q. Malat sondor, The big one, Lª piobamba, Q. Good herb, Q. Tambo, Q. The quinoa, Q. Dry, Q. Liraca, Rio miriles, Piobamba, Cocan, Green well, framework, Liclipampa, Q. Trapiche, Q. Cantagallo, Q. Gamonal, Q. Majadapampa, Rio miriles, Dist. Jose galvez, From san, Dist. Gregorio pita, From san, Dist. Dating, Dist. will kill, Dist. Hualgayoc, Dist. Rafts, Dist. Longboard, Population density, ambit, Prov. Celender, D. Celender, D. Chum, D. Cortegana, D. Huasmin, density, Dens. Effective, D. Tea party, D. Galvéz, D. M. Churches, D. Oxamarca, Prov. Sorochuco, Prov. Sucre, Prov. Utco, Prov. L. Pallan, Celendin, Utco, Jorge chavez, Sucre, Jose galvez, Huasmin, Chum, Sorochuco, Oxamarca, Miguel Iglesias, Freedom of pallan, Chum, Saint Rose, Guayopampa, Chorobamba, Mocate, Huamopampa, Chimay, Tolon, Llanguat, Mamac, Old trapiche, the key, The chanche, Full of joy, Huaylla, Jerk off, the Apple, sweet water, Cashaconga, Shururo, Poyunte, Masma, Huashos, the brook, Jacapa, Utco, Atuyunga, Lucasampa, Huasapampa, Cotorbamba, Macash, Cashapampa, Cungat, Conibayo, Saucepampa, Grange conga, Saint Elizabeth, Pajonal, San pedro, Capalpampa, Llimbe, Succhupampa, Quillamachay, Majadapampa, The condorilla, the lagoon, Choctapampa, freedom, the quinoa, Colpilla, San Agustin, Yanahuma, Oxapampa, Yerbabueha, Pachachaca, New union, Tall stick, Saint Rose, San Martin, San pedro, Urqui conga, the victory, Sucre, San juan of the alliance, Cashapampa, the lagoon, Fingernail, Indian hill, The quinuilla, Tingat, Cash, Bellavista de cajen, Doll, Florida, San Francisco, The tortilla, Vasaspampa, Chalhuayaco, Micuypampa, Pampa de toro, Shaper, The tingo, Huañambra, Kilogram, Alpacacha, Ruducushma, Good herb, Fraylecocha, Santa clara, Red water, The boundary, Choctapampa, paradise, Cusic, Tuyunga, Jelic, lemon, Farm, Huashos, willow, San Isidro, beautiful view, The granadilla, Rain, Carhuaconga, My birthday, The colpa, Carp, The ocsha, Sour cream, Rejopampa, The chorea, The tingo, Pottery, I miss you, clear, Fingernail, Viscacha, Yanacolpa, the inns, Picota chica, custard apple, Alanya, Carirpo, Chacato, Paucapampa, The ramada, Chogopampa, Low beacon, the lighthouse, Sendamal, Llicllicpampa, Chugurmayo, Sendamal, Pajonal, Stony ground, The lushagrande, Tahuan, Bucapampa, Llaguan, Pachachaca, The hill, Molinopampa, Paucapata, the Greens, Queruaysana, The tingo, Melendez, The conga, Paltarume, The lucma, May 3rd, I hit her, Huangashanga, the victory, The willow, Curapampa, Saint Rose, Lagoons, Chihuala cruz, Mashacat, future, Chanipata, future, Coicicorge, Shita, The lily, The lucma, Pampa green, Chilac nº, Shanipata, Sexy, Cheerful view, Narro, Taparco, Lagoons, San Isidro, The limes, Quinoa, San Francisco de Asis, Brother in law, Chugur, Tupac amaru, San Juan, freedom, future, North union, I love you, Buenos Aires, Dumbbell, Quinua, Velasquez, New union, new Hope, San Martin, New alliance, Freedom of, Pallan

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Other
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Building Features Car Parking Lot
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