Sapallangaturismo DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

interdistrict roads, interprovincial roads, Malecon roads, ways of agricultural production, intersectoral roads, tourist routes, pedestrian ways, legend, kind, first name, o.m., date, approved by, territorial limit, luis abad stadium, recreation active tourism, center of agricultural experimentation, youth sports complex, huaylash’s coliseum, piscigranja the cabin, virgin cave of cocharcas, chapel, municipal nursery, production of abonus compus, ecological cemetery, piscigranja alders, civic Center, municipal fish farm, miraflores, treatment, jr. Alfonso Ugarte, jr. to. ugarte, jr. Miguel Grade, jr. talavera, av. ricardo palma, jr. Sucre, jr. atahualpa, jr. San Martin, prol. Sucre, av. rice fields, mcal. caceres, av. Alfonso Ugarte, jr. F. bolognesi, av. fidel miranda, jr. Jorge chavez, royal street huayaspanca, jr. F. bolognesi, ah hot, av. ramiro priale, jr. soncollay, jr. zavala, jr. gonzales prada, jr. progress, quarry of, ruins, jr. to. raymondy, jr. to. ugarte, rio chanchas, jr colombina, aggregates, jr. centenary, rio chanchas, tahuantinsuyo, simirm channel, simirh channel, warrior, xifon de, hullacoto, ruins, yaricampa, jr. Santa Cruz, jr. Santa Cruz, av. San Martin, jr. cemetery, mall youth, the tambo, jr. yaricampa, jr. zavala, av. San Martin, av., jr. progress, jr. Saint Joseph, jr. hurricane, psje. huascar, psje. San Cristobal, Holy Spirit, av. San Martin, cemetery, azapampa, jr. hurricane, San Martin, Saint Paul, progress, Saint Joseph, san antonio, bolivar, center, San Cristobal, san pedro, Saint Bernard, mariscal castilla, center cocharcas, virgin of cocharcas, the Angels, pje montoya, jr. Luis Sanchez Cerro, av. the springs, jr. jose antonio de sucre, av. ricardo palma, Tupac Amaru circulation, chasquis, psje. huascar, jr. San Isidro, jr. the fallows, San Martin, av. hualicamino, jr. the Angels, San Martin, av. September, psje. rice fields, jr. from January, jr. Saint Bernard, prol. Miguel Grade, av. ricardo palma, jr. Saint Bernard, psje. progress, av. fidel miranda, av. of July, av. of May, jacket, jr. mendiola, av. September, virgin mall, freedom, huayllaspanca, Castile, tupac amaru, center, mallqui, simirh channel, xifon de, av. San Martin de Porres, San Martin de Porres, pucara, chapel, huayucachi, pucara, hollow cross, circuit, argedas, Cesar Vallejo, from the, mariategui, c. cisterns, malecon quillis, av. the Union, the brooms, the eucalyptus, Cahuide, hypolite unanue, Daniela. Carrion, av. bolivar, malecon virgen de cocharcas, av., malecon virgen de cocharcas, av. the puquals, bad luck, pier, bad luck, pier, av., circuit, av. the, av., the, road trips, av., cover page, pucara, cemetery, prol. manuel gonzales prada, huari, Hill, pampas, Hill, San Cristobal, azapampa, huancayo, huancan, pucara, qda. utush huayo, qda. miluchaca, huamanmarca, azapampa, chilca, huayucachi, san marcos de la union, miraflores, miluchaca, chaclas, annexed, pje peace, calle la colombina, urban planning plan, observations, Turistic development, district municipality of sapallanga, Department, district, province, huancayo, sapallanga, junin, drawing, date, draft, scale, code, flat, tourist, ecological protection, archaeological heritage, natural heritage tn, forest zone zf, park

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 19, 2017

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