Scheme Vial – Trujillo – La Libertad; Peru DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Cortes of the main roads; Scheme vial and projections of future pathways districts cheerful Vista; Hope; Bns. Aires; Florence blackberry .

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Miguel Grau, sixth phase, Kumamoto neighborhoods, and the Liberators, l.p, Trujillo Metropolitan Development Plan, Trujillo Provincial Municipality, P l a n d e m e t r u, arq. oscar villacorta dominguez, arch. nelly amemiya hoshi, arq. marco arroyo flores, ing. jose murgia zannier, of the urban continuum of trujillo, update of the road scheme, mayor :, plan :, proposal :, regidor :, technical:, director, and when the source and version thereof is indicated, the use and reproduction of this document always, date of issue :, version nº :, approved by :, plane number :, note :, drawing: pts, advisor :, arq. carlos williams leon, semi rustic, mampuesto, indoamericano, mantaro, zela, santa, maria, san vicente, sinchi roca, av. north america, the mill, av. North america, v.l, variable, v.p, p.i. buenos aires, del, golf, florida, via de evitamiento, rio moche, av., covicorti, v.r.h. from the tower, tupac amaru, p.i. progress, social, liberation, av. victor larco herrera, leoncio prado, san andres, urb., gonzales orbegoso, sight alegre, sauces, p.i. the, vicente, natasha, high, cienfuegos, upao, av. south america, golf, portals, junin, urb. the, monserrate, av. husares de, grove, mercy, los, fatima, hummingbirds, seagulls, las, av. the paujiles, flowers, pines, isabel, sta, av. fatima, golf, huaman, pomegranates, av. Huaman, Santa Edelmira, the roses, the lime trees, urb. california, av. the angels, the laurels, av. Manuel Seoane, Av. america south, the pearl, whitewashed, bougainvillea, urb. palms, daniel alcides carrion, albrecht, urb. luis, av. victor larco herrera, napoles, av. mansiche, av. roma, san, nicolas, sto. toribio, av. Juan Pablo II, m. of companon, merced, dean saavedra, pedro, guadalajara, philadelphia, jesus, trupal, theran, sn. salvador, de nazareth, emerald, capullanas, sight hermoza, antenor orrego, wire, santa isabel, santa ines, muñiz, san martin de porras, city, university, america west, corcuera, estete, colon, pizarro, zepita, san martin, independence, large orchard, gamarra, grau, ayacucho, av. spain, tupac yupanqui, rich, bolognesi, d. soul, coast, panama, m. orbegoso, bolivar, delfin, amazonas, atahualpa, isabel de bobadilla, p.j.gran chimu, urb.el recess, alfonso ugarte, indoamerica, ca. alfonso ugarte, p.i. indoamerica, s. free people, p.i. ramiro priale, fraternity, av. jose gabriel condorcanqui, av. great chimu, lima, vina el mar, sector, santa veronica, p.i. the hope, sta.martha, the mochica, sector santa veronica, mateo de toro and zambrano, manuel arevalo, av. new trujillo, a.h.villa hermoza, av. huanchaco, a.h.villa huanchaco, av. Beautiful view, industrial park of Trujillo Parcel C, Jerusalen, CA. chancay, jose m. heredia, marco del pont, sector jerusalem, av. cahuide, ii stage, industrial, urb.pque, av. indoamerica, los angeles, carlos m. of alvear, santiago mariño, central sector, teodoro, av. Valderrama, Luis Bright, Jose Felix Aldao, Central, Pablo Casals, Av. great chimu, san fernando, spring, san isidro, cedars, cortijo, san luis, mochica, hnos., uceda meza, gardens, amaru, av. tupac, the quintanas, miraflores, jose m. balmaceda, valcarcel, leonor, p.i. Manuel, Seoane, p.i. virgin, from the door, p.i. pueblo, del sol, p.i., benito juarez, cemetery, s.fraternidad, hidalgo y castilla, av. tahuantinsuyo, francisco de paula santander, simon bolivar, alto trujillo, prolongation avenida las margaritas, laureles i stage, luis, alva, castro, willows, daisies, avenues, avenidatres, n.florencia, n.florencia iii, laurels, vrhaya, from the tower, industrial park, pi the palms, senati, p.i. Wichanzao, Pan-American Highway North, Sector IV, p.i. the miracle, av. Miguel Grau, p.i. the miracle sector i, sector ii, av. industrial, p.i. the miracle sector iii, av. simon bolivar, poste, av. jose sandoval, av. the army, south pan-American highway, av. gonzales prada, casuarinas, santa maria, guzman barron, urbanization the ferris wheel, urbanization santo dominguito, av. cesar, melgar, mariano, vallejo, urbanization palermo, lotizacion el palomar, bella, vista, carlos wiesse, santa cruz, av. ricardo palma, av. Peru, Sandoval, Palermo, Puno, Union, Av. santa, complex, chicago, j.m. eguren, the sun, incas, aranjuez, the forest, urbanization the forest, av. goes. belaunde, toribio rodriguez de mendoza, av. federico villarreal, industrial road, first phase, p.i. Miguel Grau, p.i. the future, sector the viewpoint, sector the union, sector river dry, prolonged. union, a.h.m.santa rosa, a.h. the malvinas, alfonso ugarte, dynamic neighborhood, lucia, mampuesto sector, prolon. av. santa, urbanization chimu, la marqueza, tereza, avila, p.i. florence de mora, prol, peru, av. federico villareal, urbanization los granados, urbanization andres razuri, pay pay, villareal, av. miraflores, hoyle, daniel, oswaldo hercelles, bastides, micaela, av. pumacah

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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    March 15, 2018

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