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School Gastronomica DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

The project has 5 plants more roof distribution; 4 cuts two elevations; location map and location; construction details; box openings and finishes. Stairs and lifts for vertical movement and evacuation stairs earthquakes. 3 income: a pedestrian; one for the civic square and other service income for gastronomic school .

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

urb. polifap i, av. the americas, law, January, dishware, ovens, ramp, public telephone, relac. public, receptive hall, variable tension, projection of the flown, varanda of limit stainless steel, kitchen workshop, restaurant, library, theoretical classroom, trade – dispensation, forklift – esc. serv., esc. evacuation, hallr, chef, lobby, office, kitchen, laundry, hall, ss.hh, side table, delivery table, pick-up table, table for cold food, dishwashing, extractor hood, utensils table, prepared hot, prepared cold, washed food, ss.hh-vest. teachers, arq: lily bustamante viaña, camacho aguirre alexis, scale :, date :, cad :, revised :, chair:, student:, school of education, title of project:, title of prints:, design workshop, architectural, orientation:, and urbanism, faculty, chiclayo, university, fau-udch, arq: mariela villena pelayo, architecture, gastronomic, second level, key level:, first level, vain lighting glaze, ss.hh men, sidewalk, ss .hh women, engines, boards: lighting, control panels, divider grid, platform. entrance to the restaurant, ss.hh – vest., circulation to the entrance, of. Coordination, fixed screens hawa-variotec hanging system, observations, height, width, type, quantity, second floor, first floor, box of openings – doors, plat. of income, projection of the flow of slab, fourth level, third level, projection of solid wood perbolas, province, department, observations:, location map,: chiclayo,: lambayeque, student :, chair :, location:, terrain, : the berries and av. salaverry, arq. lily bustamante viaña, arq. mariela villena pelayo, av. the americas, ca. the gardenias, psje. san martin, psje. the violets, ca. condorcanqui, ca. colonial, ca. payllardeli, ca. the clover, ca. Santa Mercedes, ca. the hive, ca. union, av. francisco bolognesi, av., inca, garcilazo, vega, av. Miguel Grau, ca. Manuel Inclan, ca. rimac, ca. Huallaga, ca. panama, ca. Jose C. mariategui, psje. Santa Rosa, ca. Buenos Aires, ca. Sara bullon, ca. huallaga, av. garcilazo de la vega, owned by third parties, ca. Sicuani, ca. urcos, ca. acomayo, ca. Quillabamba, ca. paruro, psje yauri, av. Ferdinand Belaunde Terry, ca. alfonso tello marchena, av. august b. leguia, ca., lima, ca. ciro alegria, ca. independence, ca. dignity, of bellido, ca. the sunflowers, ca. Maria stopped, ca. yungay, ca. jose santos chocano, ca. salvador allende, ca. pariñas, ca. Miguel Grau, ca. Santa Rosa, ca. Francisco de Zela, ca. Ricardo Palm, ca. freedom, av. jose eufemio lora and lora, psje. Lima, ca. Poppies, ca. the lilies, ca. m. carbajal, ca. cesar vallejo, ca. sta. rose of lime, jr. Rio de la Plata, ca. danube, ca. marañon, jr. Marañon, ca. Mantaro, ca. rodano, jr. santa, jr. viru, prolongation garcilazo de la vega, ditch, polish, ca. Sara bullon, ca. Rio Chancay, ca. Carlos Ortiz Velez, ca. Juan Lora, ca. the Incas, negreiros, av. the americas, ca. junin, av. santa victoria, ca. Luis, ca. nazareth, psje. panama, ca. paradise, ca. faith, ca. The Nazarene, ca. faith, ca. Hope, ca. resurrection, psje. parabolas, prolongation av. Garcilaso de la Vega, ca. las vegas, ca.vicente russo, ca. Arequipa, ca. the mangoes, av. loreto, av. felipe santiago salaverry, ca.teresa gonzales de fanny, av. Manuel Arteaga, ca. zarumilla, psje. tumbes, ca. tumbes, psje. the fig trees, ca. Piura, ca. Cajamarca, ca. federico villarreal, av. elvira garcia y garcia, ca. the margaritas, ca. Manuel Conde, ca. pedro nue, ca. cornelio miranda, ca. melchor sevilla, psje. Manuela. quezada, av. luis gonzales, av. bolognesi, psje. San Miguel, ca. the, ca. progress, psje. amaro aguayo, ca. tupac amaru, ca. cesar vallejo, ca. raymondi, psje. santa rosa, psje. Pedro Ruiz, psje. union, ca. the bells, poppies, ca. Colombia, ca. angamos, psje. balarezo, psje. Mexico, ca. arica, ca. Mexico, ca. nature, ca. Los Naranjos, Calle Los Laureles, Av. leguia, ca. San Andres, ca. San Pedro, ca. the sunflowers, psje. The Nords, ca. Lima, ca. instruction, ca. education, ca. cois, ca. alfonso ugarte, ca. juan cuglievan, av. cajamarca, av. mariano cornejo, prolongation av. bolognesi, ca. Nazareth, ca. tacna, av. leonardo ortiz, ca. Manuel Maria Iizaga, ca. pascual saco, p.j. Chinese, p.j. the future, ii sector, upis cois, iii sector, pascoal saco oliveros, housing complex, karl weiss, association of owners, residential group, the citadel, salaverry, felipe, urb., precursors, los, lotizacion patazca, liberators, parks , san lorenzo, santa victoria, the acacias, esquicentenario, talara, pimentel, eten, the alamos, the willows, paita, the florida, the pines, the dulantos, the jacarandas, the carob trees, the union, the casuarinas, urb. ana, de los angeles, san felipe, avenue miguel grau, pacasmayo, san pablo, el salvador, mochumi, jayanca, pacora, illimo, new arica, an

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Steel, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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