Detail support for television
Detail support for television (tested & successfuly working after installation) This file is Autocad 2007 format Thank you for watching & using it. Language English Drawing Type Detail Category Drawing…
Detail support for television (tested & successfuly working after installation) This file is Autocad 2007 format Thank you for watching & using it. Language English Drawing Type Detail Category Drawing…
DETAIL INSTALLATION PIPE SHOE SUPPORT (1″~16″) All drawings are drawn at 1:1 scale with full detailed dimensions All drawings are according to support standards Using & drawing by Autocad 2007…
PVC Pipe fittings, pipe fittings can be set for DN, UP, DN 45, UP 45, and Top. Language English Drawing Type Detail Category Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Additional Screenshots…
Metric Figure 2D with all its sights Language English Drawing Type Full Project Category Drawing with Autocad Additional Screenshots File Type dwg Materials Measurement Units Footprint Area Building Features Tags…
DETAIL INSTALLATION AIR CONDITIONERS – So Injection duct as back on covered – Isometric view Language English Drawing Type Detail Category Climate Conditioning Additional Screenshots File Type dwg Materials Measurement…