Topographic Map Juanjui, Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Topographic Map Juanjui

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Galician):

pro degree miguel, jr. marginal road, pro bolognesi, jr. ramon castilla, Psje. October, jr. manco capac, jr. Alfonso Ugarte, access the Falklands, pro Alfonso Ugarte, jr. bolognesi, jr. trujilllo, jr. San Martin, jr. degree miguel, jr., pro May two, pro progress, jr. straw hat, pro Alfonso Ugarte, pro bolivar, jr. the mercy, rio edge, jr. leticia, jr. bolivar, jr. San Martin, rio edge, jr. eduardo peña meza, jr. huallaga, jr. triumph, jr. ramon castilla, jr. jorge chavez, Psje. basement, jr. grimaldo p. re-read, Psje. bolivar, jr malecon, Psje. the bank, jr puerto anberes, jr. loreto, jr puerto anberes, jr malecon, jr. degree miguel, retaining wall riverside defense, jr progress, Psje. leticia, jr. leticia, jr. freedom, jr. May, Psje. andres ruiz, jr. progress, Psje. cahuide, jr. atahualpa, jr. give alvarez, jr. juan pablo ii, Psje. Marshal Hunts, jr. leticia, jr. Alfonso Ugarte, jr. San Martin, Psje. a. guys, jr. the mercy, jr. grimaldo reategui, pro the mercy, pro degree miguel, jr. straw hat, jr. tomes p. aguirre, jr. loreto, Psje. peter nikolov, jr. sergeant lores, jr. grimaldo reategui, prolong loreto, pro freedom, pro October, jr. straw hat, pro sgto. lores, jr. tomes p. aguirre, Psje. willillo arevalo, jr. santa rosa, jr. pierola nicolas, jr. san miguel, jr. tomes p. aguirre, pro bolivar, jr. trujillo, jr. pillar nores, jr. the mangoes, jr. m eguren, of July, jr. lime, pro degree miguel, jr. isac newton, jr. trujillo, jr. galileo galiley, jr. eguren, jr. cuzco, jr. sarita colonia, street bombing, jr. huallaga, jr. Pedro Arevalo, road to the cemetery, jr. adolfo iluiza, jr. the flowers, pro progress, pro San Martin, Psje. the marginal, pro degree miguel, jr. huallaga, jr. adolfo iluiza, jr. walter isminio, prolog arica, jr. william perez, Psje. leticia, pro give alvarez, Psje. alcidia villa, jr. beautiful horizon, jr. eduardo peña meza, Psje. jose saenz, jr. arica, jr. leticia, jr. palm ricardo, jr. pedro ruiz gallo, cemetery, the qda. juanjuicillo, jr huallaga, jr. tomes p. aguirrre, jr. elias panduro, jr. union, jr. grimaldo reategui, prlng. Marshal Hunts, jr. triumph, jr. ramirez hurtado, prolong jorge chavez, jr. the olives, jr. iquitos, avenue circunvalación, jr. the cedars, jr. August, prolong straw hat, plant emapa san martin treatment, pro the mercy, reservoir, jr. topal, jr. santa rosa, fap passage, jr. miraflores, airport avenue, jr. union, jr. San Martin, jr. the caobas, jr. the carnations, jr. arica, jr. the huairuros, jr. Occasion, jr. the ketics, Santa Rosa pumping station, jr. santa rosa, av. glad view, jr. trujillo, av. glad view, jr. maria stopped bellido, jr. big pajan, jr. the victory, jr. of July, jr. jose olaya, jr. fernando belaunde, jr. velasco alvarado, jr. blow vargas, jr. Cajamarca, jr., jr. progress, jr. beautiful horizon, street bombing, jr. the tip, jr. the mercy, jr. ramirez hurtado, jr. blow vargas, jr. huallaga, jr. Marshal Hunts, jr. degree miguel, jr. triumph, jr. the mercy, jr pedro arevalo, jr. sergeant lores, jr. the tip, jr. loreto, jr. triumph, jr. the tip, jr. huallaga, jr. freedom, jr. May, jr. Cajamarca, pro

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language N/A
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Building Features Car Parking Lot
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    September 21, 2017

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