Topographic Map – Tarapoto DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

road to the hamlet of santa, recreation, possible area, jr. chile, jr. huayna capac, av. circumvallation, jr. lorenzo m., jr. tupac amaru, mateo pumacahua, jr andres, jr. america, jr. p. sanchez, jr. elias aguirre, jr tarapoto, road to rio cumbaza, av. the army, pje union, jr. ulises reategui, jr. salaverry, jr. bolognesi, jr. freedom, jr alfonso ugarte, jr. saenz peña, ditch, cum, river, zone not raised, jr. ccenepa, pje the liberators, pje the proceres, jr. paradise, street, jr. tarapoto, jr. cajamarca, jr. salaverry, jr. the future, jr. the winners, jr. tiwinza, jr. san felipe, prol circunvalacion, rio cumba, cumbaza, san antonio, to the intake, road carrosable, qbda. achual, poultry farm, q. cumbacillo, children, park, agricobanck, recreation, center, pje cumbaza, jr. junin, jr sevilla, jr. seville, jr. arequipa, benavides, jr. oscar r., jr. oscar benavides, jr. lamas, jr. jose olaya, san antonio, road a, jr. sergeant lores, jr. santa lucia, jr. the martyrs, jr. the martyires, north marginal road, marshal a. to. caceres, military school, qbda. achual, juan, san, tap, irrigation canal, santa lucia, papilon, fish farm, farm, recreation, private, and clubs, rural recreation, via nde access to, jr. peru, jr. cusco, jr. ayacuchio, jr san martin, jr. san martin, marshal andres abelino caceres, military fort, fonavi, cei, land, circulation, regional, direction, iiap, coliseum, rivers, left, francisco, ce, gas, uni, pnp, mdm, jordan, sawmill, martin, market, cemetery, moral, sports, field, maria davila pinedo, c. e., health, i.p.s., polyclinic, palm trees, u. n. s. m., campus, street santa rosa, pje santa isabel, jr. the laurels, jr. santa rosa, jr. Belen Torres de Tello, Jr Lorenzo Morales, Jr Rafael Diaz, Pje Ricote Melendes, Jr. geiden candle, jr. commander chirinos, jr a. ugarte, left rios, jr. francisco, jr. antonio raymondi, jr. Bolivar, Jr Arica, Jr. jorge chavez, jr inclan, jr san pedro, jr. leticia, jr a. b. leguia, jr. ulises melendes, jr. lamas, jr bolognesi, jr junin, jr jorge chavez, jr. jose olaya, jr. to. ugarte, jr sergeant lords, jr arica, jr. to. b. leguia, jr. leticia, jr. san pedro, jr salaverry, jr. guepi, pje santa rosa, jr. moyobamba, jr. manco capac, jr. ayacucho, jr. Lima, jr. Lima, jr. independence, jr miguel grau, jr. oxapampa, grau, jr miguel, pje cumbaza, malecon, jr. tupac amaru, jr. victoria vasquez, jr. jose galvez, jr. the Andes, jr. francisco pizarro, jr. sucre, jr sucre, jr. callao, jr mateo p., jr. oriental, jr los andes, jr. jose galves, pje the cypresses, jr. santa ines, prolg. victory v., pje. miguel c., pje trinidad t., jr. the Andes, jr. jose galvez, prolg. victoria vasquez, jr. the flowers, jr sta. ines, jr oriental, pje santa lucia, jr. mateo pumacahua, avoidance, via, jr peace, pje callao, jr aviation, jr amorarca, jr. amorarca, jr humberto pinedo, nightingales, pje los, pje. humberto davila, prolg. callao, pumacahua, prolg. matteo, av. circumvallation cumbaza, pje sta. lucia, jr. francisco towers, jr. atumpampa, pje aristides pinedo, pje. the palm trees, lr. tupac amaru, pje. the students, jr. the roses, jr. the pines, jr. colon, jr. ciro alegria, jr., jr. ramon castilla, lords, jr. sergeant, jr. jerusalem, jr. progress, jr manco inca, via de evitamiento, pje. university, pje. arica, prolg. freedom, pje. Miguel Grau, Peña, Pje. saenz, freedom, pje., jr. jose guzman, prolg. Inca manco, jr. america, prolong. colon, pje. the olive trees, jr. alfonso ugarte, children’s village, to moyobamba, sector la plana, jr. brazil, spring pje, jr. union, jr. jose quiñones, pje miraflores, jr santa rosa, jr. edilberto reategui, a bellavista, jr. san miguel, road to yurimaguas, to e r o p u e r t o, petroperu, corpac, jr. miraflores, jr. huallaga, jr. cuzco, jr ucayali, nas, de comay, jr victors, jr abancay, jr. abancay, jr. jose saavedra, jr. luis f., jr luis flores sanches, jr jose o., jr huallaya, jr. nicolas flowers, jr. ilo, av. aviation, jr jorge chavez, prol. jorge chavez, jr jorge chavez, jr. miraflores, jr. jose olaya, jr. ricardo palma, jr. jimenes pimentel, via de evitamiewnto, av. aviacion, rosa, gasamsa, center of fattening, education, area for, road to the farmhouse of santa rosa de cumbaza, encopesa, shilcayo river, rio cumbaza, shilcayo, holy passage, cumbaza, santa rosa, road to c. and. painful virgin, c.e. painful virgin, virgin field of pain, a chontamullo, avoidance, m.p.s., forestry, nursery, forest industry, lactesa, private property, industrial complex, galta brick, tap muruhuay, pje. the roses, pje the flowers, pje the malvinas, jr. uruguay, jr. victor m. arevalo, jr. pajaten, jr. argentina, jr. ulises reategui, jr. guillermo sisley, jr. thin angel, jr. leoncio meadow, agriculture, ministry, dep complex

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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