Traffic Signals DWG Block for AutoCAD




Traffic Signals –

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

entrance and, of vehicles, exit, to ——— mts., vehicular and pedestrian traffic signals, pedestrian pulsator, special luminous signal that, existing authorized movements, authorized movements to signal, semaphore that must be removed, existing semaphore, projected traffic light, semaphore to be transfered, projected traffic light, existing pedestrian traffic light, projected pedestrian traffic light, conventions, informative signs are intended to identify the routes and guide the user., regulatory signs, informative signs, sr — , yes —, bi-directional bicycle, unidirectional bicycle, step, yield, arrow, triangles, tache, zebra, waiting square, sp–, the preventive signals are intended to warn the user of the existence, via the limitations , restrictions or prohibitions on its use., Regulatory signs are intended to indicate to the users of the preventive signals, circulation, of cyclists, circulation in, double sense, return, handicapped, by ramp or wc, wc, men, women, crossing, pedestrians, telephone, public, nursing, stairs, whereabouts, buses, floor signs, for the way, with traffic paint, edge , zebra – pedestrian crossing, demarcaion cicloruta, cicloruta

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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