Trujillo Zoned DWG Block for AutoCAD




Map of the city of Trujillo, with the zoning approved by the municipality

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

av. metropolitan, urb. san blas, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, av. the farmhouse, Street, av. micaela bastidas, av. nicolas de pierola, AC. the roses, AC. the poncists, AC. the pines, Street, Street, AC. the poncists, AC. the pines, AC. the Palm trees, AC. the oaks, AC. the oaks, psje. the roses, av. nicolas de pierola, av. nicolas de pierola, psje. Saint Rose, Street, passage, Street, passage, Street, Street, northern prairies, rose of america, stage, urb. valley roses, stage, urb. the orchids, Street, av. federico villareal, Street, av. federico villareal, c.u.i. asoc. of viv. virgin of the door, urb. valley roses, the sunflowers, from san isidro, step ii, the sunflowers, from san isidro, stage, av. metropolitan, San Miguel, av. metropolitan, Street, lot number, aahh the emerald, metropolitan avenue ii, Street, Street, Street, Street, metropolitan, lot, Street, the jasmines of san miguel, Street, San Miguel, mz., mz., passage, Street, the jasmines of san miguel, san miguel ii, multifamily, living place, communal area, publish, recreation, education, publish, recreation, other purposes, to sew, Park, education, to sew, education, Park, recreation, recreation, park no., public recreation, park no., recreation, other purposes, park no., recreation, education, to sew, public recreation, education, other uses, public recreation, Park, to sew, Park, Park, education, other uses, to sew, metropolitan progressive ii iii, sub plot, s.p.c.serv.comunales, public recreation, sports area, cui las americas ii, lot number, diaz ticket, psje. Jesus of Nazareth, AC. the Americas, AC. San Martin, AC. john boston, AC. Saint Rose, AC. Manuel Seoane, AC. micaela bastidas, AC. The liberators, hermelinda market, sham virus, high mochica sector, cui high mochica sector, urb. the gardens, urb. san blas, AC. amauta, Street, street nº, avenue, street nº, avenue, street nº, avenue, street nº, street nº, psje., psje., street nº, psje., street nº, psje., street nº, psje., street nº, psje., street nº, psje., AC. peace soldiers, the laurels, AC. the cedars, sarita colony, virgin of the door, virgin of the door, psje. Saint Rose, pucara avenue

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 20, 2017

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