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Typical Sections Of Highway Asphalt DWG Section for AutoCAD

Section Rolling Road Typical Asphalt Binder type; samples as drainage ditches, type of material and sections asphalt; Section constructive dimensions; slope.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

build, existing, selected material, existing, of thickness, existing base layer of thickness, double asphalt seal, existing, typical road section, esc: up, double seal, asphaltic, double seal, asphaltic, it varies, put material, selected from, thickness, put base layer of crushed gravel stone of maximum size of thickness, asphalt folder, put of, of thickness, typical road section, esc: up, double seal, asphaltic, double seal, asphaltic, projection of existing roadway conform, it varies, it varies, construction, existing road, asphalt folder, put of, of thickness, put material, selected from, thickness, put base layer of crushed gravel stone of maximum size of thickness, Layer of additional base layer on shoulder to level rolling, put material, selected from, thickness, put base layer of crushed gravel stone of maximum size of thickness, Layer of additional base layer on shoulder to level rolling, the slope will coincide with the exposed face of the paved gutter, fc, the slope will coincide with the exposed face of the paved gutter, fc, the slope will coincide with the exposed face of the paved gutter, fc, the slope will coincide with the exposed face of the paved gutter, fc, projection of existing roadway conform, typical of highway road:, double asphalt seal, put base layer of crushed gravel stone of maximum size of thickness, place selected thick material, it varies

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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