Unifilar Electric Ducted Electric Bar DWG Block for AutoCAD

Unifilar of a building with ducted bar

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

breakers, breakers, unifilar, unifilar, unifilar, unifilar, off, breaker, off, brk, brk, elev, breaker, breaker, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, de agua, off, bomba de incendio, telev, losa de tanque, off, off, nivel, mod, off, breaker, breaker, breaker, breaker, tasb, tasa, cuarto de, maquinas, xxhp, bomba de piscina, brk, tasc, breaker, breaker, breaker, brk, presurizacion, breaker, off, resumen general de carga, mcm en, vista frontal de tablero, en el tablero, llave extra guardada, conductores de alimentacion, total de interrupt. de tres vias, total de interruptores de una via, voltage de distribucion, capacidad interruptiva del, tuberia de entrada, interruptor principal, carga instalada, total de salidas de carga, carga total en amperios, carga de diseno, electrico, desisyuntores, espacio para instalacion, dos llaves, cerradura, registro ul, placa de identificacion, nombre del tablero, directorio de, asignacion, stranded, c.p., mcm en, edemet, definir por, trx, tipo, copperweld, varilla de cobre, mcm, i.p., p.p.d.a., generador electrico xxxkw con xxx kva starting, edemet, definir por, trx, tipo, copperweld, varilla de cobre, i.p., mcm, ppdb, bomba, a.p., bomba, a.p., swd, tnra, c.p., control, a.p., swd, breaker, generador electrico xxxkw con xxx kva starting, i.p., mcm, tscip, temg, medicion indirecta, medicion directa, control, caja de transicion de ductobarra soporte vertical con resortes sistema de fuego barraducto tipo feeder de de aluminio con neutral al tierra en la carcaza barraducto tipo plugin de de aluminio con nuetral al tierra en la carcaza codo de union de de aluminio., off, breaker, off, breaker, breaker, breaker, breaker, breaker, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, mod, breaker, breaker, breaker, breaker, breaker, breaker, electrodo en boya, tnrb, mcm en, bomba, bomba, control, unifilar general electrico

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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