Youth Hostel DWG Block for AutoCAD

Plants environments cuts a youth hostel

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

soap dish clover, white color, clover towel rack, white color, hangers, clothes, white clover toilet, celima ceramic floor, ivory color series, basket for, dirty clothes, shelf for, floor machiembrado, fitsan, cöûa tuû panoâ goã, wall, face of finish, typical, c rail mount, c toilet, standard stall, alternate stalls, tp, rear wall of standard stall, side walls, washbasin, unevenness, date :, urinal, wastebasket, cut to – a, metal mesh with enrrredaderas, room development, cuts of ss.hh, rooms for men, student: vite cardoza j. elvis, faucet vainsa shower mixer, strainer, revolving window, live fence, pergola, hammock, bench, stateroom, curved eternit, varanda, tijerales, aa cut, cc cut, bb cut, ladder, built-in mirror, special tub, garbage, cut a – a, cut d – d, cut c – c, cut b – b, cut f – f, faucet vainsa timed, board with celima ceramic coating, tarred and painted wall vinyl latex paint, toilet trebol model top piece white color , wall tarred and painted vinyl latex paint, ceramics ceramic floor series nordic color ivory, court e – e, national university of pyura faculty of architecture and urbanism, youth hostel, course: design iv, subject :, student :, chair:, cesar red tafur, scale :, in, year, law, vite cardoza j. elvis, orientation :, specialty :, room cuts, disabled

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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