Zoning Plan – La Libertad – Trujillo DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Zoning Plan – La Libertad – Trujillo Includes: Land Use; network of roads; areas of expansion; urban centers; etc.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Pacific Ocean, Street, oxidation ponds, industrial park, oxidation ponds, judicial villa, the eucalyptus, a.h.villa hermoza, a.h.villa huanchaco, virgin city of socorro, the orchards, quarry of granular material, high risk area, new Horizon, the miracle, Street, Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, abandoned ditch, a, tropic, Viña del Mar, a, limit of ruins, sheds, pampa the miracle, abandoned ditch, ruins, post, limit, ruins, Vina the sea, chan chan ruins, av., Street, chanchan ruins, Wall, limit, Wall, sheds, limit, a, pampa the miracle, qda. dry river, abandoned channel, sheds, Wall, abandoned ditch, archaeological wall, Wall, valdivia, irrigation ditch, channel, Wall, sheds, qda. dry river, post, limit, Wall, huaca, post, pampa alejandro chico, huanchaquito beach, qda. dry river, oxidation ponds, pipeline, abandoned channel, airport, capitan martinez de, signal towers, Huanchaquito, lucia, saint, Martin, carbajal, urb.el recreation, vr.haya, the laurels, monserrate, the mercy, beautiful view, San Andres, of April, the wire, emerald, San Salvador, Saint Elizabeth, f.sanchez carrion, new turkey, saint Louis, farmhouse, San Isidro, the cedars, high mochica, mochica, san fernando, Holy Ines, spring, pi. Virgin, pi. Manuel, neighborhood, central sector, Simon Bolivar, pi. indoamerica, fraternity, pi. town, cemetery, hidrandine, neighborhood, s.fraternity, neighborhood, s. free town, neighborhood, sector santa veronica, neighborhood, jerusalem sector, neighborhood, sector, indoamerica, neighborhood, central, central sector, San Martin, sector santa veronica, Jerusalem, s. free town, Jerusalem, industrial, urb.pque, Manuel isvalo, senati, asoc.agrop.sta.rosa, sector, central, neighborhood, central sector, chicago, Sun, laurels, san vicente, Santa Maria, the quintana, big orchard, pi. ororego, neighborhood, shambles, neighborhood, dry river sector, neighborhood, shambles, sector the merced, dry river sector, neighborhood, Luis, laurels stage, the willows, n.florence, n.florencia iii, n.florencia ii, pi. new future, indian american, Luis Felipe, land, neighborhood, moche, trujillo, future, recreation, publish, juan v., from cordova, ramon, castro, AC. fco. from, paula quiroz, Julia, Ayala, psje.fco., Navarrese, moral, duarez, cusihuaman, AC., astete, to. spout, psje., m. brown, independence, the, animas, jr., to. oblates, AC., titu, Manuel, ubalde, av. pumacahua, clash, I used yupanqui, jr., m. bastidas, Joseph, gomez, jr. fco. zela, jr. jose olaya, jr., Maria Julia, jr. atahualpa, saint, Luis, s. rock, jr., Street, jr. mayta, capac, jr., wiraco, tea, jr. Hello, tay, Street, Street, jr., capac, yupanqui, jr., lloque, yupanqui, jr., huascar, jr., Sinchi, jr., mayta, capac, jr., yahuar, huaca, tito, condemanta, jr., inca, jr., wiracocha, jr., ollantay, huayna, capac, rock, jr., jose a, condorcanqui, collasuyo, psje. mom, ocllo, psje., jr., av. santa, av. astopilco, Juan, to kiss, zela, jr. lame, angle, hnos, fco. from, lettuce, Joseph, amaru, tupac, inca, lame, bastidas, michele, av. pumacahua, mirror, casimir, the tourmalines, chrysoprase, the, the anime, the ceibos, royal road, the moans, the, garnets, turquoise, the cedars, topaz, the pearls, the sapphires, the gems, av. Cesar Vallejo, the amethysts, the poncists, raldas, the esme, prolong. Cesar Vallejo, jr. to

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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