Map Peninsula Yucatan DWG Block for AutoCAD




General plane of Peninsula de Yucatan

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Mountain range, Papal, Yaxche, San antonio chel, No huayun, Huncanab, Oxcun, Bolon, Oxholon, Tamchen, beautiful flower, Xtepen, San antonio, Chun, San pedro, San simon, The orange tree, cocoa, San antonio mulix, Chenko, pomegranate, Saint Rose, I used to, S. Fernando, paradise, San Rafael, Coahuila, Cardenas, Kochol, Chunchucmil, Konachen, Calcehtok, holy, Sunday, Dzibzibachi, Saint Matthew, Santa maria acu, Santa sofia, Kankabchen, Guadeloupe, conception, Siho, San simon, Xquiritz, San Juan, Xtokil, San pedro, Mesatunich, San Salvador, San isidro yaxche, Dzinup, San Felipe, Huntochac, Hili, San Martin, San pedro zula, Benito Juarez, Nohalal, Santa cruz cutza, Pocoboch, San Diego, good view, Salvador Alvarado, Yaxachen, Nohcacab, Kantemo, San pedro, Sacpukenha, San gaspar, San marco, Sudzal boy, White flower, The hidden one, Nohbec, Thul, Alfonso, case, Dzi, Nohbalche, Ticum, Cepeda, Peraza, Canek, Chacmultun, Xohuayan, Tixcuytun, Xbox, Saccharine, Sabaccha, Baby, Chuchub, Kimbila, Sisbic, Kinil, Chican, Xaya, Pencuyut, Xobenhaltun, Xul, Sucamucuy, Tabi, Tipikal, F.c pto., Saint Joseph, Tibceh, Choyob, I love you, Yunku, San antonio, Sodzil, Mucuyche, Mahzucil, Hunabchen, Citicabchen, Sinhunchen, Fear, south, Pebble, Uayalceh, Chiquila, Sabacchen, Chunkanan, San Isidro, Eighth, Yaxic, Cholul, Zavala, Poloban, Tzacala, Texan, Sn. Antonio, Petac, Yaxnic, Hotzuc, Tebec, Sotuta de peon, Dzayaxche, Itzincab, Oxtapacab, Tesip, San pedro, Chimay, Xmatkuil, Dzununcan, Ticimul, Tanhzibichen, Tixcacal, Tehuitz, San antonio, Tepich carrillo, Subincancab, San pedro nopat, Sahe, Ticopus, Canicab, Saccicchich, Sahcatzin, Eknacan, Nochchacan, Xucu, Holactun, Hubilla, Cuca, Oncan, Chichi diaz, Sitpach, Sta. Maria, Xcuyun, flake, Dzitya, Cheuman, Noc ac, Xcanatun, Kiktel, Dzidzilche, They play, San Ignacio, Xcunya, Saint Joseph, East, San crisanto, Chabihau, Santa clara, Uaymitun, San edward, San Diego, Timul, Too, Fear, Sneer, Tekat, Carolina, Kankabchen, Tixcunchell, Kankabchen, S. Jose gde., Saint Joseph, Koop, Idzina, They shake, Santiago, Hili, Kancabchen, Tanya, Santa, Chacabol, S. Antonio, I love you, Santa Maria, St nicolas, Kambul, Kancabchen, San pedro, Kopte, Mesatunich, Sanlatah, saint. Fco. Dzan, Dziuche, Tixcocho, San fco, Santa, goldmine, Dzonot sabila, Xbec, San antonio, camera, Chacmay, the towers, Chenche de, V. San Francisco, Nohyaxche, Santo Domingo, Obchen, No sky, Yalsihon, Muldzonot, Golden Grain, The big fight, Xcantek, S. Francisco, They blabber, N.p., S. Francisco, Xmaakaba, Xhualtez, Hunmuch, Tusk, Tixbacab, Tucina, San pedro, Chenchelo, Nooch, Balantun, Xocempich, Dzulutoc, Cuauhtemoc, Chabac, Tzalam, Chumbec, Sn. Antonio chuc, Tibolon, Tabi, Yokdzonot, Chimay, Cacalchen, Santa Maria, I love you, Yaxna, Popola, Cenote aban, Chen dzonot, San Felipe, Xcalacoop, Xcatun, Xtohil, Nicte has, Ticimul, Xcacail, Yokdzonot, Xbojon, Tohopku, San Francisco, San Lorenzo, San Diego, saint, Francisco, saint, Fernando, Antonio, saint, Sisilche, Chibilub, Xuxcab, Pocbichen, Xanlah, Xcabchen, Tixcacaltuyub, I was new, San pedro, They love you, Chan, Santa Maria, Xkalakdzonot, Chanchimila, Xcocmil, Saint Joseph, Poop, Ekpedz, Sipche, Santo Domingo, Upupexil, Tiholop, Tinuncah, Cisteka, Timul, Sisbic, Xcabanchen, Papal, Guadeloupe, I am, S. Gregory, Fear, Yaxcopil, Progressive, Colotmul, San Francisco, Ichmul, Mahasas, Carolina, Petulillo, the hope, Abal, Xpechil, Kambul, Sta. Ursula, Macmay, I love you, Hobonil, Catmis, Polinkin, Yaxcopil, Dziuche, Trapiche, Tobacconist, Uitzina, Xcobiacal, San juan del rio, Santa blossom, Santa clara, bull, Xpanha, Chan, San antonio, From hidalgo, Yohactun, Aches, Xkalak, Xlal, Dzonot box, Chun subul, Dzonot ake, Yaxcheku, Dzonot tiger, Good, hope, San Isidro, Chuncle, Buytzuc, San pedro juarez, Prayed, San luis tzuc tuk, Kikil, Holland, San lorenzo chiquila, Meneses, Tahcabo, Act ever, Kante, Santa Rita, Xeb, Xuch, Chanyodzonot, Dzalbay, I saw him, Uspibil, Tahmuy, Chechmil, Sisbichen, Popola, Tesoco, And alcon, San andres bac, Xuneb, green Mount, San pedro, Chan santa cruz, Dzitax, Chamul, Xuilub, Xocen, Xcatic, Nohsuytun, Tixhualatun, Kanxoc, Batun, cider, Kin, Timas, Dzoc, Lolbe, Chuluntan, Yaxche, Catzin, Xcohuo, Cholul, Kuxeb, Mucel, st. Helen, good view, Santa Rita, Santa Marta, Yokdzonot, Presented, San juan chen, San pedro chemax, San roman, San Andres, the hope, Felipe carrillo puerto, the Eden, Altamirano, San jose montecristo, San Isidro, San manuel, Adolfo lopez, San enrique, Felipe carrillo puerto, Lazaro Cardenas, the saw, Teabo, saint, Juan, pink, Santa, three Marias, San hipolito, Luis rosado vega, Saint Joseph, Quintana, The whose, Moctezuma, Santa Maria, Saint Elizabeth, Saint Rose, San pedro bacab, Blue cenote, Samaria, Sta. Ana, freedom, F. villa, M. Cepeda peraza, San Isidro, Lemonade, San arturo, The cedral, the ideal, the umbrella, Ua, U.g., Ua, U.c., microwave, U.p., Ua, U.g., U.p., Phew., Ua, water well, U.g., Phew., Lazarus, Cardenas, unity, Valley, Ua, L

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Language Spanish
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Building Features Car Parking Lot
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    July 19, 2017

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