Vehicular Bridge Concrete DWG Detail for AutoCAD




30M is a vehicular bridge amcho 5.10m to 30m long and 8m high; consists stirrups; wing walls; beams and slab details everything needed for construction

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

beam, sidewalk, diaphragm, vehicular bridge plant, armed with slab, armed with longitudinal beam, slab, beam detail, handrail and sidewalk, assembly of the board – plant, running layer, see detail of gasket, filtering material, neoprene, bed of gully, bb cutting, reinforced stirrup screen, diaphragm detail, support, light center, symmetrical stirrups center of light, stup support devices, the structural filling will be made according to technical specifications, design specifications aashto standard specifications for highway bridges, construction process, specifications, observations, with board, dilatation board type iii mop, concretes, terrain profile, sheet :, autocad :, date :, scale :, indicated, from :, wzc, armed with abutment, elevation of stirrups and wing walls, abutment, wing wall, wing wall assembly, screen assembly, curbstone, stirrups and wing walls, losumbo gulch, type of irons, project, location: illagua chaupiloma , construction of bridge, vehicular community, beams and diaphragm, contains:, armed with stirrups-wing walls, community illagua chaupiloma, parish quisapincha, canton ambato, province of tungurahua, plant – elevation – specifications, level of maximum flood, bed of river , diaphragm, level of drought, ing. fredy llerena b., mr. pedro maiza c., process control, ing. jose gabela g., aprobo mop tungurahua, supervision studies construction, road maintenance mop tung., legal representative, consultant, iron sheet, support detail elastomeric neoprene, steel intermediate sheet, elastomeric support, intermediate sheet, front view, layer rolling, bituminous material, steel, pvc pipe d, for drainage, river lemon, surupata, pinapungo, h pleasure, laucay boy, q laucay, river lemon, licamancha, the three orange trees, types of bent, long. total m, ø mm, total weight kg, total, content: structural calculation, scale: indicated, drawing: anibal c. brown and., calculation: ing. oswaldo armijos diaz, revision: ing. raul romero, provincial council of chimborazo, ing. oswaldo armijos d., department of public works, infrastructure and housing unit, director of public works, project :, ing. raul romero, inspector of the, via cubijies – quimiag – chambo, revision: ing. Oswaldo Armijos Diaz, Ing. raul rosemary r., via los tres naranjos-piñanpungo, revision: ing. raul rosemary r., lamina, gozoy, ing. raúl fierro, bridge board cut type of slab, consultant, civil engineer, beam abc cuts – details, iron raul, government of chimborazo province, atillo bridge, concrete board, beam a – a ‘and c – c’, beam b – b ‘, sheet of steel, concrete in board :, neoprene plate, post, concrete in beams :, concrete in sidewalks :, concrete in posts :, concrete in stirrups, vehicular bridge over river lemon, sector los tres naranjos- pineapple, bridge, pvc tube, revision: ing. elias guadalupe, ing. elias guadalupe, inspection coordinator, sector los tres naranjos – piñanpungo, cortea – a, detail of central beam, detail of lateral beam, culunma type, cut – main elevation, cortey – and, detail of diaphragm in supports, colunma tipo, see detail, beam type, counterflex, internal diaphragm detail, and also must be placed alternately, side view, heel, finger, head, parapet, armed on stirrup screen, front view of stirrup, type stirrup, armed in stirrup, white river , wing wall detail, tread layer, dimensions in mm, expansion joint, panel, description, position, weight, observ., total weight, steel in conjunction with seal, pvc drain, material, filter

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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