Avellaneda – Institucional Buildings DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

municipality of avellaneda, alte.cordero, wanted, colon, Venezuela, campichuelo, Vedia, iriarte, gral. will argue, iguazu, dean funes, f.ameghino, colon, assumption, m andrea, arauz, av. pte. rivadavia, rivero, j.i.rucci, pienovi, Costa Rica, murguiondo, valparaiso, Chile, ethers, cnel. molinedo, Choele Choel, m.bravo, step of burgos, itapiru, Florida, humaita, gral. with that, ethers, tuyu, step of the homeland, islet, m.bravo, Ecuador, gob. oliden, chimborazo, paraguay, pilcomayo, Brazil, Guatemala, to chañar, Lithuania, humberto, mendoza, cabildo, chuquisaca, cabildo, to. lopez, plow, step of the homeland, av.galicia, Mexico, Uruguay, j.m.freire ex ecuador, ariel, m.lebenshon, gob.oliden, cif.gif, colon.diaz, aldecoa, gorriti, c.pellegrini, Cuba, fernandez, giribone, m.rosetti, pagola, m place, the black, workers, av. pavon, podesta, this time, rawson, Union, Matheu, lebhenson, no name, totoral, miglio, cangallo, clemenceau, newton, boedo, paraguay, av. pavon, artigas, ethers, Peru, the Rioja, Denmark, pje azimuth, pje.keys, catamarca, argerich, matienzo, stgo. of the estero, Santa Fe, araoz, jujuy, beguerestein, Chile, m.bravo, Uruguay, ex ecuator, virasoro, v good, Martinique, j.m.freire, garibaldi, Paez, casacuberta, Mexico, thirty three, caravels, gral.heredia, helguera, Italy, stool, Rio de Janeiro, gral. peace, campichuelo, pje hills, forest, sandy, cabildo, I eat, velez sarfield, cnel. the carra, limay, . varela, gral. guemes, Ushuaia, newton, campichuelo, famatina, gral. peace, sandy, limay, pinedo, arriola, velez sarfield, ezpeleta, atacama, Spanish Grammar, caxarabille, rep. from Lebanon, donovan, reconquest, elizal, campichuelo, cangallo, pje.cisneros, miraflores, three sergeants, pte. sarmiento, anatole france, nazar, casacuberta, caravels, of the serna, pje.lista, casacuberta, achupallas, helguera, gral.heredia, helguera, basavilvaso, coghlan, to wash, paunero, jumps, madame, magan, ferre, sta. Elena, caxaraville, gral.acha, cangallo, ferre, sta. Elena, uspallata, field, children of the town hall of boiro, cte. lucena, j.b.alberdi, gutemberg, Spain, charlone, j.newberi, round, mace, mansion, Sucre, charlone, m.garcia, Villegas, diaz velez, ambrosetti, berutti, mendoza, lavalle, Austria, gurruchaga, Villegas, Italy, Constitution, mozart, sandy, limay, Larrazabal, mansion, beloved güifra, He passed, Villegas, it’s okay, you will, Patagonia, c.seminar, roasenda, barcala, chacabuco, french, jaya, mace, maipu, av.belgrano, Spain, you change, b.hueyo, levalle, m.piaggio, gral.san martin, berutti, alsina, lavalle, of May, sarmiento, aldaz, strong soul, lopez de vega, lawyer, medina, vlop, palaces, road, olleros, of the lane, roberts, french, of May, sarmiento, he says, of July, Italy, gral.paz, brands, laprida, castelli, sandy, I would look, j.b.alberdi, gral.güemes, cnel.lacarra, I will, dorrego, necochea, He passed, velez sarsfield, fior.varela, cnel.suarez, mocantos, d.rocha, Col.llorente, lamadrid, castelli, laprida, October, Spanish, ferre, cte. spurr, Pythagoras, Villegas, ex aguero bis, cnel.lafuente, pinky, downtown, round, gral.mansilla, malicious, I will, elizal, alte.solier, alte.cordero, j engineers, av.belgrano, ex lafayette, debenedetti, Villegas, arance, to wash, basavilbaso, jumps, magan, achille, Vedia, r.indarte, argentinian women, zamudio, the White, antofagasta, gatemeyer, elizal, Why?, luis m.campos, Lebanese Rep., we read, cte.spurr, peace, Beguirist

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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Building Features Car Parking Lot
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    September 15, 2017

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