Bridge Floats DWG Section for AutoCAD

Bridge passable sections detail topographic plant defense art waterfront.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

magnetic, bridge, construction of basic sanitation in the sector of chinganilla chico, project :, plane :, executor, date :, scale :, indicated, drawing :, rvm, revision :, approval :, location :, place: chinganilla boy, district: ocobamba, province: the convention, department: cusco, topographic map of sector chinganilla boy, magnetic north, road, utm coordinates, legend, bridge profile axis, antibamba river, cross section – river basin, bridge axis, level elevation in, topographic plane, section aa, detail of cable anchor in massif, plant, channel, end, threaded, plate, maximum pressure, transmitted to the ground, elevation, cable guard, threaded end, hollow for, device, cable anchor , massif, anchorage, cable detail, xx cut, front elevation, abutment and left tower, anchors-anchor chamber and right tower, lateral elevation, and anchoring chamber, floor – left abutment, abutment-c amara anchor and left tower, abutment and right tower, plant – right abutment, longitudinal profile, cusco, izcuchaca, huarocondo, chinchero, anta, open malaga, pte. collpani, alfamayo, poroy, urubamba, yanatile, quellouno, macchupicchu, sta. teresa, chaullay, calca, ollantaytambo, quillabamba, chahuares, the quebrada, carmenccasa, cascarillayoc, santa rosa, pucaccacca, piquimayo, combapata, chaupiorco, chinganillagrande, munaypata, chinganillachico, negrohuarcuna, tancayo, pavayoc, cielopunco, sentinel, torreblanca, pailabamba, calf, ccorihuayrachina, anispuquio, maranpampa, ccoriperolnioc, maranpampachico, huataca, paucarbamba, ventanillayoc, palmanayoc, jachín, palanganayoc, apuy padreyoc, quilloc, terijuay, lambranniyoc, suyunquillay, the pearl, yanaorcco, tinyati, ocobamba, utuma, florida, san miguel, pintobamba, coquimbo, buenavista, deep valley, deep stream, ocobamba, kellcaybamba, tunquiorjo, lauramarca, mirasniyocpata, huayna picchu, tunasmojo, carmenjasa, huichulluyo, balsadero, sahuayacu, san agustín, mesapata, llactapata, aputinya, mesapelada, calquiña, tinyate, nogalniyoc, new grenade, palmapata, chinganilla baja, chinganilla, munaypata, huillcapucllo, santa elena, san lorenzo old, new san lorenzo, pirhua, auccamayo bridge, pucara, basic sanitation chinganilla, chinganilla chico, belempata, coca pampa, black huarcuna, antibamba, patochayoc, florida, basic sanitation integral pond, basic sanitation black huarcuna, comprehensive sanitation tirijuay, district municipality from ocobamba, department of cusco, ocobamba district, axis of the antibamba river, towards the center, town of san lorenzo, right abutment axis, left abutment axis, axis of the antibamba river, level of ground, plant – bridge, profile – bridge, stage, balcony, floor – detail of, anchoring chamber., deck detail, cut – left footboard, cut – right footboard, and anchoring chamber., plant anchor chamber, section c – c ‘, floor – footboard , section b – b ‘, reinforcing detail, square mesh, galvanized clip, typical frontal, portico reinforcement, a-a’ section, typical lateral section, stringers, overlapping detail, railings detail, section cross section, staple placement detail, staple detail, section b-b ‘, section c-c’, nm, plant – baden, axis baden, bridge, right margin, left margin, river profile, direction and channeling, waters, towards, san lorenzo, river progressive, section a – a ‘, special project high may, consortium jli – serconsult, study :, bridge huascayacu, plane :, title, jli, design :, drawing :, length :, length :, live load:, scale:, indicated, date :, code:, inade, post, affirmed, typical section of installation, central axis, cross section of the defense beam, direction of traffic, concrete die, intermediate slot, bolt groove, overlap joint in the, direction of travel, post fastening, hex head, bolt for, joints, nut, washer, in the bridges, groove, joist detail, steel, detail poles, overlap, in order to maintain the high degree of visibility and prololngar its, durability in optimal conditions Work ions, guardrails and accessories, should be repainted in periods fixed by the paint manufacturer, and that the builder will have assumed or communicated to the delivery of the work., guards and accessories hit can at the discretion of the supervision be ironed, or changed taking care in this case with the correct tampering in the post., three times a year the guards and accessories should be cleaned of dust and dirt, fats, any loose paint., maintenance, established in this plane, bolts , nuts and washers, according to the specifications of this plan., as a semi-rigid safety beam, this specification covers the guards and their accessories of galvanized steel used, base metal, thickness, fabri

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Other
Measurement Units Imperial
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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