Building Height Samegua DWG Model for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

los rosales street, other uses, area, green, others, applications, area, green, sport slab, education, other uses, recreation area, passage peru, asoc. housing, los rosales street, public recreation, education, public recreation, private university carlos moquegua, passage view merry, sunrise, samegua chen chen, samegua passage, san martin de porres street, jose olaya street, passage mariano lino urquieta, av. Mariano Lino Urquieta, samegua chen chen, santa fortunata, education, services, communal, forestation area, services, communal, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, land owned, owned by third parties, farmland, alley, owned by third parties, farmland, public, farmland, owned by third parties, farmland, owned by third parties, l, 11 ‘, h, 11 ”, Park, and”’, to”’, c ” ‘, b ” ‘, d ” ‘, d, camera breaks pressure, mangrove street, via main location, via secondary site, via main location, recovery zone, Zone of, free availability, of municipality, recreation, r. los angeles barrack, Processing facilities, los angeles strong camp, Park, street manco inca, avenue andres avelino caceres, santa rosa de lima street, Park, san pedro ticket, education, street mayta capac, avenue emancipation, pachacutec street, los angeles barrack, land owned by the, other purposes, of drinking water, Processing facilities, area, sporty, passage, Inca rock passage, huayna capac street, pass the stars, street cesar vallejo, passage, calle atahualpa, cahuide street, education, avenue emancipation, huayna capac street, street the sun, street manco capac, street igualgua, street manco inca, street micaela bastidas, pachacutec street, calle atahualpa, Health, communal, services, street inca garcilazo de la vega, avenue emancipation, huayna capac street, communal, services, communal, services, square, street tupac amaru, street immaculate conception, November call, ticket, of the state, ground eriazos, passage, street tahuantinsuyo, education, martin de cons, passage san, area, green, passage san juan bautista, area, green, Street, area, sporty, education, Street, production, area of, street tupac yupanqui, avenue the incas, street tupac yupanqui, square, avenue andres avelino caceres, street igualgua, passage, san antonio ticket, passage jose angeles, street igualgua, avenue jose, jose olaya passage, area, sporty, passage daniel becerra or., avenue andres avelino caceres, passage joy, passage the union, grigua, street micaela bastidas, defense misery, i.s.t. jose carlos mariategui, other purposes, of drinking water, Processing facilities, area, sporty, street tupac yupanqui, passage, Koya Passage, street jose carlos mariategui, street cesar vallejo, callle misti, street huascar, cahuide street, city ​​Hall, street huascar, huayna capac street, calle atahualpa, Health, communal, services, Commerce, huayna capac street, street tupac amaru, education, cahuide street, avenue the incas, street tupac amaru, November call, of the state, ground eriazos, passage, education, martin de cons, passage san, area, green, passage san juan bautista, area, green, Street, area, sporty, education, Street, pasaje santo miguel arcangel, avenue emancipation, production, area of, AC

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Model
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 23, 2017

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