Carafes Gpl Deposit DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Deposit great carafesGPL for commercial dies – Complete project

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

main elevation, expansion of gpl tarpaulins, Antonio Luis Estaço, street of the cangas castro verde, court, architecture, court, place of work:, rui pedro figueira, applicant:, drawing, project, court, proj., des., out., date:, scale:, main elevation, court, containers of kg bottles, container of kg bottles, applicant:, place of work:, architecture, cangas street, containers of kg bottles, applicant’s warehouse, container of kg bottles, stores, cage, proj., planned plant, des., street of the cangas castro verde, Antonio Luis Estaço, rui pedro figueira, project, drawing, expansion of gpl tarpaulins, backyard, scale:, out., date:, housing, garage, proj., architecture, work plant, des., cangas street, applicant:, rui pedro figueira, place of work:, backyard, applicant’s warehouse, stores, cage, expansion of gpl tarpaulins, Antonio Luis Estaço, street of the cangas castro verde, project, drawing, scale:, date:, out., inclination, subtitle, flow direction, housing, garage, proj., architecture, des., sizing plant, Antonio Luis Estaço, project, drawing, cangas street, applicant:, rui pedro figueira, place of work:, backyard, applicant’s warehouse, stores, cage, scale:, date:, expansion of gpl tarpaulins, street of the cangas castro verde, out., housing, garage, cangas street, gpl tare store, Antonio Luis Estaço, street of the cangas castro verde, rui pedro figueira, place of work:, applicant:, drawing, project, backyard, date:, out., scale:, proj., des., applicant’s warehouse, stores, cage, garage, housing, applicant:, rui pedro figueira, place of work:, court, main elevation, court, court, gpl tare store, main elevation, drawing, street of the cangas castro verde, Antonio Luis Estaço, project, out., des., proj., scale:, date:, court, of chemical powder, fire extinguisher, kg., wall, abc powder, evacuation, security legend, single faucet, fire safety, against fire hazards, safety plant, expansion of gpl tarpaulins, project, Antonio Luis Estaço, street of the cangas castro verde, drawing, fire safety, place of work:, rui pedro figueira, applicant:, date:, scale:, proj., des., out., fire extinguisher detail, no smoking or smoking

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Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
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Building Features Garage
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