City Map San Cristobal DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

cote d’ivoire city cote d’ivoire cote d’or christovan company company gdk farm river vaza barrels creek creek pitanga county of our lady of socorro san cristovão orange groves white sand municipality of poxim, mirim kumbe cristovão açu carmo curriol our lady socorro kumibe andrade paes felisberto municipal school quidonga village são cristóvão rancho curralinho jerusalem oasis vaquejada fountain itaperoá, mineral water, indaiá, graveyard, public, village good, garden, distributor, soft drink, tubaína, municipal school, prof. josé de alencar cardoso church Our Lady of Sorrows rffsa baccara paradise nesting florence fernando good aningas ii pindoba merry farm ranch background primapemu granary santa monica church holy antonio cleudice araujo cruz da eta saae mosquito santa lucia beautiful view coconut trees long maria beach mosque ocean ocean atlantic quarries new horizon lord of footsteps vega island church santa cruz, colombia, association of development, community, stand, health, assembly, of god, saint peter, imperial factory, church n. priest of sanction albano franco priest gaspar lourenço state school luiz guimarães association of development boy jesus health post heart social center hope of jesus market craftsman governor captain catholic church of saint laurent santiago complex saints socio cultural cultural leonor barreto franco good view landfill sanitary shallon white wing rita cacête miranda islands gameleiras candeal chica blending imperial lauro island island, great irineu avenue luiz mother ines etelvino oliveira street celso montalvão manoel josef fernan des antonio fernandes salts horacio souza lima prof ana couto joão, guava, gileno, barreto, araleles, rodrigues, belt, valdir, matos, nurse, alzira, silveira, wide, field, of, orchard, tv. but beloved village, factory, deoclécio, vieira, virgílio, march, lourival, batista, thelma, vidal, rua marcos, s.matos, sister, dulce, tv. antônio fernandes, plaza, hermes, pereira, canal, hildete, hawk, r. low, from brasilia, paulo, meneses, tancredo, neves, rua do egito, virginia, baixada, r. maria muniz, r. deodoro, flag, september, alentejo, rosario, eradino, meadow, garotaz, meadow, waterfowl, vicente, tavora, fonseca, estacion, getúlio, vargas, tv.amparo, messias, porto, ladeira, banco, perei ra, lopes, gonçalo, ezique, alexandrino, high, hill, road, caípe, old, tv, paruí, presbiteriana, do brazil, santo, dep. antonio carlos, frank milk, saint john, health, saint germam, aguiar, new world, timbó, granada, little piece of heaven, bita, armando battle, de góis, dr. josé viana neto, soap factory, aroeira, police, road, shell, sergipe military police, penitentiary complex, dr. oak tree, joviano freire, de o. son, almancio tavares, site of, pirambeira, well-te-vi, santa marta, campus, rural ufse, site, farm, mining, watchtower, reed, aningas, sara, deposit, priest, cigero, aviboa, string beans , area of ​​the army brazilian new conquest recreation birds finca sergipe country club jamacai phone white river taboa site eggs camp sergipano baptist church aracaju union park, Rita view of the várzea green granny three siblings paramopama factory juices fruteb bean village são josé tourism rural country park ipc industry precast cement factory, emurb asphaltic factory choir chapel church n. sra.das rural rural mambuco bonanza raimundo félix malaba inave sa braz xamego são carlos sheep herd cantino cashew, my nest, sierra, bean, set, eduardo, gomes, leôncio, osvaldo, freitas, nestor, francisco, oak, estrelita, milk , wilson, macedo, claudemir, barbosa, isabel, cana, sérgio ms, valdecir, baron, maruim, victory, tiradentes, alidio, costa, luzia, jorge, sto., itapo-, ranga, jesus, domin , lauro, maya, poxim açu, state, old orchard, maria de lourdes, rock, highway, homero, felizola, umbaúba, tebaida nova, aquimar, de pueblo, rural village, governor eronildes, de oak, agrotechnical school, federal de san luis quissamã rich olga maria dos francisco de assis de araujo center lady of socorro lurdes tavares santos patagy monte, flower, xorio, são luiz, old caipe, izaura, port of stones, gonçalo joão, new caipe, center com, military, college, martinho, bravo, university, sergipe prof., josé de, aloísio de campos, armindo, guaraná, ruth dulce, de almeida, aracaju, santa peace, holy village, inacio, queiroz galvao, farm sand, besp area, dwellings of olive trees, loteamneto, university, marginal, conrado , araujo, venerable, valdomiro, teófilo, ch

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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  • Released

    March 15, 2018

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