City Map Of Trujillo DWG Block for AutoCAD


Urban Plano Trujillo with full developments where the developments underline streets and main avenues

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

miguel grau, sixth phase, kumamoto neighborhoods, and the liberators, project, working, formalized, have the tower, aahh victor raul, prolongacionalvenidaun o, prolongacionvenidado s, pacific ocean, oxidation lagoons, industrial park, oxidation lagoons, judicial village , the eucalyptus, ahvilla hermoza, ahvilla huanchaco, virgin populated center of relief, orchards, quarry of granular material, high risk zone, new horizon, the miracle, street, abandoned canal, a, tropic, vina del mar, limit of ruins, sheds, pampa the miracle, abandoned canal, ruins, post, limit, vina the sea, ruins of chan – chan, ruins of chanchan, wall, pampa the miracle, qda. dry river, abandoned canal, archaeological wall, valdivia, ditch, canal, qda. dry river, huaca, pampa alejandro chico, huanchaquito beach, pipe, abandoned canal, airport, signal towers, huanchaquito, lucia, san, martin, carbajal, urb.el recess, vrhaya, the laurels, monserrate, the mercy, vista hermoza , san andres, the wire, emerald, san salvador, santa isabel, f.sanchez carrion, new peru, san luis, cortijo, san isidro, the cedars, high mochica, mochica, san fernando, santa ines, spring, pi virgin, p.i. manuel, central sector, simon bolivar, p.i. Indoamerica, fraternity, p.i. town, cemetery, hidrandina, s.fraternidad, s. free town, sector santa veronica, sector jerusalen, sector, indoamerica, central, san martin, jerusalen, industrial, urb.pque, manuel arevalo, senati, asoc.agrop.sta.rosa, chicago, sun, laurels, san vicente, santa maria, the quintanas, big orchard, pi antenor orrego, mampuesto sector, dry river sector, la merced sector, luis, the laurels and stage, the willows, n.florencia, n.florencia iii, n.florencia ii, p.i. nuevo porvenir, indoamericano, luis felipe, lands, moche, trujillo, the future, recreation, publishes, juan v., de cordova, ramon, castro, ca. fco from, paula quiroz, julia, ayala, psje.fco., navarro, morals, duarez, ca .. cusihuaman, ca., astete, a. cano, psje., m. brown, independence, the, animas, jr., a. oblite, titu, manuel, ubalde, av. pumacahua, choquehuanca, cusi yupanqui, m. bastidas, jose, gomez, jr. fco zela, jr. jose olaya, maria julia, jr. atahualpa, s. rock, jr. mayta, capac, wiraco, cha, jr. ollan, tay, yupanqui, lloque, huascar, sinchi, mayta, yahuar, huaca, tito, condemanta, inca, wiracocha, ollantay, huayna, roca, jose a., condorcanqui, collasuyo, psje. mama, ocllo, psje. c, av. santa, av. astopilco, juan, bejar, zela, jr. manco, angle, brothers, fco. of, lettuce, amaru, tupac, manco, bastides, micaela, mirror, casimiro, tourmalinas, chrysoprasas, animas, ceibos, camino real, moenas, garnets, turquoise, topaz, pearls, sapphires, gems, av. cesar vallejo, amethysts, poncianas, raldas, esme, prolon. Cesar Vallejo, Pan-American Highway, Pan-American Highway, El Altarito, Galvez, Salaverry, Pedro, Av. the marina, delights, av. high tension, av. industrial road, the topaz, the cypresses, av. real road, screws, pines, silices, diamonds, rubies, stgo. rosales, lozano, alfonso calmet, diego quispe tito, teofilo castle, master matias, bejarano, p. red, fernandini, l. of vinci, honorio delgado, av. federico villarreal, one, salamanca, juan zapapani, basilio pacheco, gil castro, industrial road, ricardo palma, lazaro de pardo, rafael sanzio, pablo picaso, juan zapata, zapata frames, urb., the forest, lavoisier, brogue, arquimedes, pasteur, von humbolt, prol, peru, av. North america, prolonged union, majes, tumbes, lambayeque, talara, pasco, pacasmayo, piura, huamachuco, iquitos, chiclayo, vallejo, ica, cuzco, ilo, guzman, barron, mariategui, mariano, melgar, merino, ureta, heraud, deustua, amaryllis, rivaguero, je lora, fco. tie, corpancho, carlos baca flower, pancho fierro, morillo, av., santa cruz, carlos wiesse, rafael sanzio de, codesido, av. ricardo palma, urbina, c. brent, n. corpancho, baltazar, cavero and toledo, luis montes, hawk, h. from, reano, p. jet, g. chavez, l. montero, p. fierro, baca flor, miguel, angel, ricardo, sanchez, alberto, davila, av. goes. belaunde, mariano melgar, l. from reano, vinatea reynoso, leonardo from, vince, nunez, vinatea, reynoso, gutierrez, cristobal lozano, p. vargas, salazar bondy, av. federico villareal, the granites, av. Cesar, Brendt, Pablo Picasso, Hda. santa rosa, countryside of moche, sta., chocchoc, villareal, c.a. salaverry, a. sea, ancash, garcia calderon, leonidas veron, raul p., acequia, av. Miraflores, Rio Moche, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Sto. sunday, lilies, treboles, amancaes, urb. palm trees, golf, december, guatemala, costa, rica, panama, mexico, haiti, chimu capac, av. moche, delfin, pachacutec, inca rock, corcuera, toparpa, manco capac, huayna capac, saire tupac, cahuide, ollan, f. of montesinos, falcon, cristobal, of molina, garcilazo, the v

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Pool
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