Comas And Independencia DWG Block for AutoCAD




Planes of districts of Independence and Comas – by sectors

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

victor raul beech tower, mall, av. chinchaysuyo, sugar cane, Street, av. huanacaure, housing association, mall, Street, Street, July, orchids, pje the, the cherry trees, sta. bond, andamarca, san pedro, Street, Jorge chavez, Street, pje, Street, pje, Street, key, Street, grout, martinez, of August, two, quinones, av. indoamerica, paracas, tiahuanaco, paramonga, clash, Street, av. chinchaysuyo, chavin, Inca yupanqui, capac, huayna, Inca yupanqui, tupac inca, huascar, atahualpa, the malanga, the pears, Cahuide, rock inca, pachacutec, mochicas, wiracocha, to. beriquero, from December, urb tahuantinsuyo, p. j. jose olaya, sloop, j. key, olaya, Joseph, of November, Real Felipe, from December, caceres, vega, g. of the, of June, delivery courier, fisherman, av. condorcanqui, Street, Cahuide, arhua, huaytapampa, Street, Cajabamba, Street, Juana Dammert, Sucre, tupac amaru, stopped dead, Maria, liberators, Street, bastidas, michele, Street, urb. tahuantinsuyo, quillabamba, chalpon’s cross, ollantaytambo, rock inca, huanacaure, manco iii, lame ii, of the Inca, I love cachi, ayar uchu, ollantaytambo, chullpas, huaman, vilcas, nasca, huanacaure, rock inca, hnos to act, urubamba, cusihualpa, ollantaytambo, rock inca, anta, villanota, inca, bathrooms, you guys huaman, villanota, carnations, low, Carmen, I like, hanan, mascaypacha, quillabamba, homes, anta, coricancha, mascaypacha, quillabamba, I will, canchis, ink, huanacaure, rock inca, anti-virus, Quiquijana, canchis, sicuani, huanacaure, rock inca, ollantaytambo, quipaypampa, colquepata, quipaypampa, ollantaytambo, paucartambo, sacsayhuaman, anti-virus, pants, av. chinchaysuyo, Luis Brown, of November, tumipampa, lime, quipapayra, my turkey, san fco of assis, Street, huamachuco, ollantaytambo, Inca Urco, sacsayhuaman, ollantaytambo, Inca Urco, paucartambo, Street, I will, Sinchi, hnos to act, carnations, the, villanota, sacred Valley, huarocondo, Tanaoca, chasquis, Quiquijana, hanan cuzco, quipaypampa, coricancha, huatanay, from pierola, nicolas, piura, canete, hive, puquio, tarma, alvarado, av. bolivar, Jorge chavez, San Martin, the olive trees, urb. san eulogio, brown hill, av. university, Street, Street, metropilitana av, gerardo unger, Saint Rose, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, USA., of technical education, National Institute, av. of the teacher, av. carabayllo, Street, Street, Street, October, Street, of May, September, Street, av. tupac amaru, jose galvez, jose olaya, tupac amaru, mariategui, of May, from December, grade, r. Castile, to. ugarte, n. pierola, progress, Jorge chavez, the Angels, av. San Martin, orchids, pje the, the cherry trees, av. Usa of n.a., bolivia, pto. rich, sto. Sunday, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, av. Peru, assumption, Bogota, av. the parral, I quit, guyana, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Argentina, av. carabayllo, Street, Street, metropilitana av, gerardo unger, pink, santa, San Martin, Jorge chavez, bastidas, michele, r. Castile, t. amaru, m. grade, to. ugarte, j. Velasco. g., pje san martin, san ramon, arequipa, Havana, Peru, Mariano Melgar, capac, lame, Jorge chavez, ricardo palma, white gusman, may, two, America, the platines, the manganese, nickel, sodium, the iron, the silicon, are you, gerardo unger, helium, av. zinc, indust lotization. infants, lotization, industrial, molitalia, San Andres, metropilitana av, av. the presses, the drills, the lathes, the forges, the workshops, to

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Building Features Car Parking Lot
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  • Released

    September 26, 2017

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