Construction Of Curbs And Channeling Stormwater DWG Section for AutoCAD




Section of; detail regilla, channel section

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

street grid av. Miguel Hidalgo Hidalgo, work :, no :, plane :, key :, the one that governs the drawing, scale :, notes, drawing :, designed :, project, project :, locality :, municipality :, date :, localization sketch, acateno, tenampulco, yaonahuac, teteles, avila, castle, progress, ayotoxco, hueyapan, warrior, teziutlan, xiutetelco, hueytamalco, francisco z., mena, venustiano, carranza, xicotepec, zihuateutla, pantepec, jalpan, xochiapulco, olintla, hueytlalpan, zapotitlan, de mendez, zacapoaxtla, nauzontla, huehuetla, caxhuacan, ignacio, allende, zoquiapan, ixtepec, xochitlan, vicente suarez, jonotla, ahuacatlan, tepetzintla, tlapacoya, san felipe, tepatlan, tepango, rodriguez, amixtlan, zongozotla, cuautempan, camocuautla , jopala, huitzilan de serdan, hermenegildo, galeana, coatepec, tlacuilotepec, tlaxco, chila honey, pahuatlan, zacatlan, ahuazotepec, huachinango, galindo, naupan, juan, chiconcuautla, tlaola, cuetzalan del, tuzamapan, chignautla, chilchotla, quimixtlan, chichiquila atzitzintla, victoria, scythe lupe, tlachichuca, lafragua, coyomeapan, zoquitlan, eloxochitlan, tlacotepec, san sebastian, vicente, esperanza, santiago, nicolas, bravo, san, antoni, coxcatlan, ajalpan, san gabriel, chilac, san jose miahuatlan, caltepec, altepexi, zinacatepec, free, ocotepec, zautla, queaco, zaragoza, ocampo, salvador, el seco, san juan, atenco, aljojuca, buenos, aires, the kings, juarez, san salvador, huixcolotla, acatzingo, soltepec, nopalucan, rafael, grajales, lara, mazapiltepec, chiapa, san jose, angeles, general felipe, oriental, state, amozoc, cuautinchan, hidalgo, tepatlaxco, acajete, ocoyucan, cholula, san andres, puebla, coronango, xoxtla, san miguel, cuautlancingo, tlaxcala, aquixtla, tepeaca, ixtacamaxtitlan, benito juarez, yehualtepec, palmar, lopez, tepanco, tochtepec, tepeyahualco, cuauhtemoc, mixtla, santo tomas hueyotlipan, tlanepantla, cuapiaxtla, madero, all, saints, mendez, tecamachalco, tlacotepec de, totoltepec, atexcal, ixcaquixtla, tepexi , tecali de, herrera, san jua n atzompa, magdalena, chigmecatitlan, tzicatlacoyan, atoyatempan, tlaltempan, huehuetlan, teopantlan, ahuatlan, big, coatzingo, santa catarina, huatlatlauca, zacapala, tlatlauquitepec, santa ines, xayacatlan, petlalcingo, san pedro, ahuatempan, piaxtla, ahuehuetitla, pablo, anican, andrade, cuayuca de, acatlan, yeloixtlahuaca, coyotepec, jeronimo, molcaxac, huitziltepec, quecholac, tehuacan, chapulco, miahuatlan, chalchicomula de sesma, chignahuapan, tetela, atempan, veracruz-llave, san matias, tlalancaleca, tlahuapan, atlixco, nealtican, tianguismanalco, santa isabel, huejotzingo, teotlalcingo, chiautzingo, sunday, arenas, calpan, texmelucan, martin, san jeronimo, tecuanipan, green, san nicolas de los, ranchos, mexico, izucar de, huaquechula, tlapanala, san martin, tepeojuma , epatlan, atzitzihuacan, chietla, acteopan, cohuecan, tepemaxalco, tepexco, tochimilco, tilapa, atzala, axutla, chila, salt, xicotlan, chico, ixcamilpa, chiautla, matamoros, teotlalco, jolalpan, cohetzal a, morelos, tehuitzingo, chinantla, xochiltepec, san diego, the table, tochimiltzingo, atzompa, gregorio, tlaltenango, juan c. bonilla, ixitlan, miguel, oaxaca, chila, tecomatlan, albino zertuche, tulcingo, street, vehicular access, reliquary, miguel hidalgo avenue, reconstruction of contracuneta, construction of gutter, reconstruction of gutter, av. m. hidalgo., detail x, x, grid, street emiliano zapata., repair of concrete, repair of concrete, lobato, connection to pluvial channel, detail of channel, type, level of the street, gutter geometry, construction of gutters and channeling of rainwater of the av. hidalgo to the piles of tizaco, canalization, construction of ditches and channeling of rainwater, construction of ditches to channel the rainwater from hidalgo avenue to piles of tizaco., chaflan, stone wall embers, vent to existing channel, vent of the canal, connection with existing canal, laundry

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
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File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
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