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Constructive Details Against Fire Include Ipf DWG Detail for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Dimensions in mm, section, Tambourine, Steel support liner with, Steel support liner with, Tabicon, section, Dimensions in mm, Steel support liner with, Quoted in brick, section, Dimensions in mm, Steel support liner with, Solid brick, section, Dimensions in mm, Steel support liner with, Mortar insulation sheet, section, raised, Dimensions in mm, Steel support liner with mortar, Metal sheet metal, section, raised, Dimensions in mm, raised, section, Insulating mortar, Steel support liner with, section, With insulation mortar, Mixed concrete support liner, Steel beam lining with factory, Brick, section, raised, Dimensions in cm, Steel beam lining with mortar, insulating, section, raised, raised, Steel beam lining with mortar, Sheet metal, section, raised, Steel beam lining with mortar, section, section, Dimensions in cm, Mixed beam coating with mortar, insulating, raised, Mixed beam coating with mortar, Sheet metal, section, raised, Mixed beam coating with mortar, section, raised, Reinforced concrete beam lining, With mortar, section, raised, section, With mortar, Steel slab lining, Dimensions in cm, section, With insulating mortar, Steel slab lining, section, With mortar, Concrete slab lining, section, With mortar, Concrete forging lining, raised, Fire extinguisher, use, exclusive, firefighters, Dry column mouth, raised, section, Dimensions in cm, firefighters, exclusive, use, Dimensions in cm, section, raised, Dry column mouth with section wrench, use, exclusive, firefighters, Power outlet, raised, section, Dimensions in cm, Dimensions in cm, plant, section, Fire hydrant, fire, case, Break, Dimensions in cm, section, raised, Hose equipment installed, raised, Sprayer installed, section, Orifice plate placed

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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