Cusco Road System DWG Block for AutoCAD

Cusco Road system

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

legend inter-regional via interprovincial route main route of first order main route of second order reserve for express route reservation for route of avoidance node routes currently used for inter-regional transport of passengers, tullumayo abrasitos arcopunco, of garcilaso: diagonal r. zavaleta av. of culture, garcilaso av. I love you, sunshine ayacucho, sun blankets square of arms, san francisco: corner marquez meson of the star, sun bridge of the rosary, sun av. garcilaso, av. sol alameda pachacuteq tullumayo av. brown, alameda pachacuteq av. army, prolong. av. degree of avoidance programmed, of avoided programmed the height of the market of huancaro via interprovincial cusco paruro, pachacuteq: alameda pachacuteq av. of July childhood sucre avoidance route, of avoiding the height of the terrestrial terminal, liberators: av. of July via express av. velasco astete, diagonal angamos expressway, av. collasuyo expressway, of monjopata: via express route of avoidance, of angostura: prolong. av. of culture avoidance route programmed, n. collasuyo av. of av. cusco, of the angels diagonal cuteness, garcilaso diagonal r. zavaleta av. tacna, collasuyo avoidance route, av. of culture by way of avoidance, av. of culture avoidance route, av. of culture avoidance route programmed, sicuani, abancay, pisaq, wild, rondocan, av. huayruropata m ‘, av. manco capac t ‘, av. tupac amaru n ‘, prol. diagonal angamos, diagonal angamos mb mb ‘, inter regional route, av. tomas tuyrotupa sa sa ‘, av. jose carlos mariategui r ‘, av. qosqo ob ob ‘, av. jorge chavez or the ‘, hypolito unanue ma ma ‘, prol. av. of culture, av. argentina j ‘, av. collasuyo, av. sucre gb gb ‘, av. Macchu Picchu, alameda pachacutec g ‘, av. degree d ‘, av. antonio lorena c ‘, av. of July or ‘, expressway q ‘, av. velasco astete p ‘, huaccoto, pumamarca, ccorca, senna, prolog. av. of culture, prolog. av. of the culture k ‘, via cusco abancay k ‘, via cusco abancay b ‘, sport slab, source: flat city of cusco, urban road system diagnosis

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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