Details Bathrooms DWG Section for AutoCAD




Planes detailing several types of baths with sections and specifications materials

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

spun, spun, spun, spun, spun, spun, spun, spun, spun, spun, Detail splice detail, bruña, painted smooth surface, recessed ceramic, corner color rodoplast lead, ceramic, brick wall, Detail on corner floor rodoplast on brick wall esc detail, detail in corner cut rodoplast on concrete slab esc detail, concrete slab, Ivory color rodoplast corner., ceramic, forge, ceramic of cm., detail in corner cut cm concrete slab esc detail, concrete slab, ceramic, concrete wall, ceramic, Ceramic detail detail esc detail, ceramic of cm., Ivory color, ceramic of cm., bruña de, empty, toilet clover white jet siphon system, mix of shower of keys italgrif linea aruba, glass window tempered glass colorless, detail of mayolica pietra ivory board of san lorenzo, wall brick shower high coated t. unita bone, mdf plywood door with frame moldings cedar frame in natural lacquer finish lock per tulip matt chrome similar, start point, forge ivory, floor of mayolica pietra beige board of san lorenzo, lavatory clover malibu model without white pedestal, wall shower brick high-coated mayolica t. unite white, cut, empty, toilet clover white jet siphon system, glass window tempered glass colorless, wall shower brick high-coated mayolica t. unite white, mdf plywood door with frame moldings cedar frame in natural lacquer finish lock per tulip matt chrome similar, start point, forge ivory, floor of mayolica pietra gray board of san lorenzo, bath, empty, start point, toilet clover white jet siphon system, wall shower brick high-coated mayolica t. unite white, mdf plywood door with frame moldings cedar frame in natural lacquer finish lock per tulip matt chrome similar, toilet clover white jet siphon system, mix of shower of keys italgrif linea aruba, glass window tempered glass colorless, floor of mayolica pietra gray board of san lorenzo, floor of mayolica pietra beige board of san lorenzo, mix of shower of keys italgrif linea aruba, wall brick shower high coated mayolica series unita bone, mdf plywood door with frame moldings cedar frame in natural lacquer finish lock per tulip matt chrome similar, cut, detail of mayolica pietra ivory board of san lorenzo, cut, empty, wall shower brick high-coated mayolica t. unita bone, start point, glass window tempered glass colorless, toilet clover white jet siphon system, glass window tempered glass colorless, mix of shower of keys italgrif linea aruba, toilet clover white jet siphon system, floor of mayolica pietra beige board of san lorenzo, mdf plywood door with frame moldings cedar frame in natural lacquer finish lock per tulip matt chrome similar, detail of mayolica pietra ivory board of san lorenzo, forge ivory, co door

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Glass, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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