Drainage Anchoring Assembly For Hydraulic Construction Works DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Mine company buenaventura, U.e.a. Orcopampa, Carbon storage court, Castanet, Hvar, C. Churches, O.t., Esc., Rev, reviewed, designed, Drawn, title, client, approved, Cemprotech s.a.c., Search, Are owned by cemprotech its use, This plan the information contained in the, Reproduction without this prohibition, Plan, Inemec, section, Det., detail, view, Tip., Axle lift, Quantity: und., lintel, scale, Phase concrete, section, Lateral anchorage, Lateral anchorage, north, scale, he., N.t.a., Tip., scale, Distribution of pedestals, Esc., Esc., Det., scale, Esc., Tip., scale, front view, flow, side, Lateral anchorage, side, Lateral anchorage, side, Tip., side, Anchor sill, sill, lintel, flow, flow, lintel, Tip., lintel, side, side, Detail of solera, Of solera, sill, Lateral anchorage, flow, flow, side, Anchorage laterla, Lateral anchorage, Lateral anchorage, Tip., Notes:, Comes from the plane:, Plan, date, Approve, by, Rev., weight, Tot., material, Unit., description, item, See plan, Regional government lambayeque, Elaborated:, viewed:, design:, approved:, Checked:, date:, scale:, flat:, sheet:, date:, leaves:, review:, Background output works, Coffins, Assembly of phase anchors, date …………., Anchorage anchorage sill, Exit, Phase concrete, various, Total weight kg., Lintel stage, various, Lateral anchorage cocks, phase, Lateral anchorage cocks, various, Mine company buenaventura, U.e.a. Orcopampa, Carbon storage court, Castanet, Hvar, C. Churches, O.t., Esc., Rev, reviewed, designed, Drawn, title, client, approved, Cemprotech s.a.c., Search, Are owned by cemprotech its use, This plan the information contained in the, Reproduction without this prohibition, Plan, section, detail, Det., view, Tip., Axle lift, Aisi con aisi, Astm with aisi, Astm with astm, For typical welding except for another indication., The following materials, Tip., Esc., scale, Det., Esc., Esc., Distribution of pedestals, scale, Tip., N.t.a., he., scale, north, bar, note, Anchorage phase, scale, Tip, Quantity: und, note, note, Aws, Tip, Tip, scale, Anchor type, scale, bar, bar, quantity:, date …………., Works of exit of bottoms cocks anchors solera lintel stage, Elaborated:, viewed:, design:, approved:, Checked:, date:, scale:, flat:, sheet:, date:, leaves:, review:, Rev., by, Approve, date, Plan, Total weight kg., Tot., Unit., brand, weight, length, description, material’s list, observations, Unit., line, Tot., quantity, Astm, bar, bar, Anchor type, Pl., Astm, Astm, bar, Anchor type, bar, Lintel stage anchorage, With the indications of the technical specifications, The anti-corrosion protection system will, note:, Comes from the plane, Mine company buenaventura, U.e.a. Orcopampa, Carbon storage court, Castanet, Hvar, C. Churches, O.t., Esc., Rev, reviewed, designed, Drawn, title, client, approved, Cemprotech s.a.c., Search, Are owned by cemprotech its use, This plan the information contained in the, Reproduction without this prohibition, Plan, section, Det., detail, view, Tip., Axle lift, data:, The anti-corrosion protection system will, For details of civil works refer, To the reference plane:, With the indications of the technical specifications, The typical welding is continuous filite with electrode aws, Except for another indication, For the location of the details of phase anchors, To refer to the plan, Aisi con aisi, Astm with aisi, Astm with astm, For typical welding except for another indication., The following materials, scale, Lateral anchorage, Lateral anchorage, scale, scale, Lateral anchorage, scale, note, Fe.co..co., Tip., Quantity: und., note, Plan, date, Approve, by, Rev., Lateral anchorage, weight, Tot., brand, length, Unit., description, Tot., line, quantity, Unit., observations, Astm, Pl., bar, Lateral anchorage, Lateral anchorage, Total weight kg., Elaborated:, viewed:, design:, approved:, Checked:, date:, scale:, flat:, sheet:, date:, leaves:, review:, Background output works, Coffins, Lateral anchorage, date …………., bar, Astm, bar, Pl., bar, Pl., bar, Astm, Lateral anchorage, Pl., bar, bar, Astm, Notes:, With the indications of the technical specifications, The anti-corrosion protection system will, Comes from the plane:, material’s list, Mine company buenaventura, U.e.a. Orcopampa, Carbon storage court, Castanet, Hvar, C. Churches, O.t., Esc., Rev, reviewed, designed, Drawn, title, client, approved, Cemprotech s.a.c., Search, Are owned by cemprotech its use, This plan the information contained in the, Reproduction without this prohibition, Plan, section, Det., detail, view, Tip., Axle lift, Aisi con aisi, Astm with aisi, Astm with astm, For typical welding except other indication

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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